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Antares rocket makes first commercial launch from Virginia pad

KIEV, April 22 – The new Antares medium-class space rocket, built for delivering cargo to the International Space Station by U.S. Orbital Science Corp as a part of international cooperation with the participation of Ukraine, made its first launch from a commercial spaceport in the U.S. on Sunday.

Ukraine exempts some hybrid car models from special import duty

KIEV, April 22 – Ukraine has decided to exempt hybrid cars with engines from 1,000 to 2,200 cubic centimeters from a special duty on imports of new passenger cars to Ukraine irrespective of their origin, the duty having been collected since April 13, 2013, and in effect until February 28, 2014, reads, 2013.

Stirol planning to produce 1.468 million tons of ammonia in 2013

KIEV, April 22 – Stirol Concern (Horlivka, Donetsk region), part of Dmytro Firtash's Ostchem Holding, plans to produce 1.468 million tons of ammonia and 955,000 tons of urea in 2013.

Zaporizhia Regional Council cancels permit for iron ore project

KIEV, April 23 – Zaporizhia Regional Council reports it has canceled a permit it issued to Haichursky Ore Mining and Beneficiation Plant LLC and Nadra Zaporizhia LLC to develop an iron ore field.

Customs Service decision on jet fuel to cause price rise, says TNK-BP

KIEV, April 21 – A decision of the State Customs Service to classify TS-1 jet fuel imported to Ukraine as "light distillate – particular gasoline" is causing a crisis in the supply of resources to the market, a jump in the prices of fuel and a sharp increase in the prices of air tickets, reads a letter of Kiev-based TNK-BP Commerce sent to State Customs Service head Ihor Kaletnik, a copy of which has been forwarded to Interfax-Ukraine.

Kliuyev calls for increased nuclear safety cooperation with Japan

KIEV, April 23 – Effective mechanisms should be created to implement agreements on expanding cooperation between Ukraine and Japan in the field of nuclear safety, National Security and Defense Council Secretary Andriy Kliuyev said.

Government cancels mandatory holograph use for excise stamps

KIEV, April 23 – The Cabinet of Ministers has cancelled a regulation requiring the mandatory use of holographic protections on excise duty stamps, said Justice Minister Oleksandr Lavrynovych.

Serbians to allow DTEK to buy stakes in major coal mining companies

KIEV, April 23 - The Competition Commission of Serbia has permitted the largest private vertically integrated energy holding of Ukraine – DTEK – to acquire a 100% stake in OAO Obukhovskaya colliery group, 100% in OAO Donskoy Anthracite and a 66.7% stake in Sulinanthracite LLC (all based in Rostov region, Russia).

Ukraine to seek to participate in South Sudan crude oil pipeline

KIEV, April 23 - Ukraine will seek to participate in construction of a crude oil pipeline from South Sudan to Kenya, and in other infrastructure projects in the region, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry reported Monday.

The issue was discussed at a meeting on Sunday between Ukrainian Ambassador to Kenya Volodymyr Butyaha and Kenyan Finance Minister Oburu Ogingo, the ministry reported in a statement.

Four oil majors submit bids to tap Ukraine’s vast shale gas resources

KIEV, APRIL 23 – Four major international oil companies, such as ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, Eni S.p.A, and TNK-BP of Russia, submitted bids to tap Ukraine’s vast shale gas resources, a senior government official said Monday.

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USD 41.21 41.26
RUR 0.444 0.446
EUR 45.96 46.20

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PFTS 507.0 507.0
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