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Klimkin calls for more pressure on Russia after spy poisoning

KYIV, March 20 – The West should increase pressure on the Russian leadership in response to the poisoning of former Russian intelligence agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury (Great Britain), Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said.

Ukraine terminates economic cooperation program with Russia

KYIV, March 21 – The Ukrainian government has terminated the program of economic cooperation with Russia for 2011-2020, Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman said Wednesday.

Ukraine to tighten Russia travel rules

KYIV, March 21 - Ukraine will tighten control over travel by Russian citizens to the country, according to a decree signed by President Petro Poroshenko on Wednesday, a further move by the authorities to distance Ukraine from its neighbor and one-time ally, Reuters reported.

IMF memo contains pension revisions, says social policy minister

KIEV, March 20 - The updated text of the memorandum with the International Monetary Fund contains the main parameters of the pension reform planned in Ukraine, Ukrainian Minister of Social Policy Andriy Reva has told Interfax-Ukraine.

Experts divided on risk of Ukraine recession from Donbas blockade

KIEV, March 21 - The impact of the blockade of traffic with the uncontrolled territories of Donbas on the Ukrainian economy will definitely be negative, but the degree of influence depends on a number of accompanying factors, experts polled by Interfax-Ukraine believe.

Official: G20 reps spurred IMF to delay $1 billion aid tranche

KIEV, March 21 - The International Monetary Fund made the decision to postpone considering the issue of a $1 billion tranche to Ukraine following the outcome of a meeting of G20 representatives held on March 17, Ukrainian Minister of Social Policy Andriy Reva said.

Ukraine MP releases documents on Manafort

KIEV, March 21 — A Ukrainian lawmaker released new financial documents Tuesday allegedly showing that a former campaign chairman for President Trump laundered payments from the party of a disgraced ex-leader of Ukraine using offshore accounts in Belize and Kyrgyzstan, the Washington Post reported.

Ukraine foreign minister meets EC official to discuss gas cooperation

KIEV, March 21 – Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin on Friday met Vice President of the European Commission for Energy Union Maros Sefcovic. They discussed gas cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union.

Foreign ministry lodges 'strong protest' against Putin's Crimea visit

KIEV, March 21 - Ukraine's foreign ministry has registered its strong protest against the visit of March 18 - the second anniversary of Russia's annexation of Crimea - to the disputed peninsula by Russian President Vladimir Putin and other Russian officials.

Ukraine GDP shrank by nearly 10% in 2015

KIEV, March 21 - Ukraine's war-torn economy shrank by nearly 10 percent in 2015 as its financial sector imploded and consumer demand shriveled up due to the currency's steep drop against the dollar, the State Statistics Service reported.

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