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Cabinet of ministers allocates UAH2.1 billion to Olympiysky rebuild

KIEV, June 22 – Ukraine's Cabinet of Ministers on Monday approved the blueprints and project documentation for the Olympiysky national sports complex, which foresee the financing of all construction and reconstruction services to the tune of UAH2.114 billion, Family, Youth and Sports Minister Yuriy Pavlenko told reporters.

Presidential office denies link between Ukraine and seized arms

KIEV, June 22 – A shipment of weapons seized in Nigeria has nothing to do with state arms exporter Ukrspetsexport or Ukraine, the secretariat of the Ukrainian president said.

"The military cargo arrested in Nigeria has nothing to do with Ukrspetsexport or Ukraine," Presidential Press Secretary Iryna Vannykova said at a briefing on Monday.

Ukraine is more stable than Russia, according to Failed States Index

KIEV, June 24 – Ukraine is more stable than Russia, according to the Failed States Index prepared jointly by the Fund for Peace and the magazine Foreign Policy, Radio Svoboda, the Ukrainian service of Radio Liberty, has reported.

Russian Duma approves former health minister as envoy to Ukraine

MOSCOW, June 24 - Russia's parliament on Thursday is likely to approve former health minister Mikhail Zurabov as ambassador to Ukraine, Reuters reported, citing local news agencies.

Zurabov will replace Viktor Chernomyrdin who was dismissed this month after 8 years as ambassador.

Tymoshenko vows to pay for Russian gas on time despite demand spike

KIEV, June 24 - Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said the country will pay on time for Russian natural gas imports in June even though gas imports have increased, the government’s press service reported Thursday.

Latest poll bad news for prime minister

KIEV, June 24 – Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who has been struggling to contain Ukraine’s economic crisis, would most likely lose the presidential election to both of her biggest rivals in the runoff, an opinion poll showed Wednesday.

Ukraine breaks off talks with firm renovating Euro-2012 stadium

KIEV, June 24 – Ukraine said Tuesday it had broken off talks with the Taiwanese firm renovating the stadium due to host the final of Euro 2012 and was reopening a competition to find a replacement.

Portugal defense cooperation deal seen as backing Kiev policy goals

LISBON, June 24 - Portugal Tuesday signed an agreement with Ukraine over defense cooperation, presented as firm backing for Kiev's North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Union membership aspirations, AFP reported.

Ohryzko: Russia’s BSF must leave in 2017

LISBON, June 24 – Ukraine said Tuesday its 20-year agreement with Russia over stationing of the Black Sea Fleet will not be extended after it expires in 2017, suggesting the Russian battleships would be forced to leave Sevastopol.

Ukraine confirms commitment to the peaceful use of outer space

KIEV, June 21 - Ukraine has confirmed its commitment to policies of the peaceful use of space at the 50th Session of the Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space held recently in Vienna.

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