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                        SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2024
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Assets of Ukrainian financial companies reported up 15.7% in Q1

KIEV, June 14 – Assets of Ukrainian financial companies increased by 15.7% or UAH 10.492 billion year-over-year in Q1, reaching UAH 77.492 billion, the national commission for financial service markets regulation reported.

Ukraine reports April goods trade surplus, YTD $881 billion deficit

KIEV, June 15 - The surplus of Ukraine's foreign trade in goods amounted to $80.3 million in April, the State Statistics Service reported.

The deficit of Ukraine's foreign trade in goods in January through April totaled $881 billion compared to a surplus of $42 million in January through April 2015.

State Food-Grain Corp to spend UAH230 million to modernize elevators

KIEV, June 15 – State Food-Grain Corporation seeks to invest UAH 230 million in modernization of its elevators in 2016.

"We have allocated UAH 230 million from the company's budget to upgrade our elevators," acting Chairman Borys Prykhodko said at a press conference in Kiev.

Ukraine and Poland studying 99.3 kilometer-long gas interconnector

KIEV, June 15 – Gas transportation operators of Ukraine and Poland, Ukrtransgaz and Gaz-System, have drawn up a feasibility study for building a 99.3 kilometer gas interconnector between the two countries. The companies are ready to start drawing up blueprints.

State Food-Grain Corporation and Chinese agree on grain margin

KIEV, June 15 – State Food-Grain Corporation and China National Complete Engineering Corporation (CCEC) have reached an agreement on the size of their preferential margin, pegged at 1.5% of the price, but no more than $5 per ton and only if CCEC is the ultimate recipient of grain.

Kiev household heating rates to rise more than twofold next month

KIEV, June 16 – The heating tariff for consumers of Kyivenergo who have heat meters installed in houses or apartments will grow more thaan 100% (by UAH 759.72 per gigacalorie) on July 1, to UAH 1,416.96 per gigacalorie.

Consumer confidence up 1.3 points in May, GfK Ukraine survey shows

KIEV, June 17 – Consumer confidence in Ukraine improved by 1.3 points in May compared to April, reaching 50.3 points, GfK Ukraine reported.

"The increase of consumer confidence occurred on the background of deterioration of personal financial standing evaluations and the increase of Index of Propensity to Consume.

Nord Stream 2 pipeline gas supply not cost effective, Naftogaz says

KIEV, June 17 - Supplies of Russian natural gas to the EU via the traditional route across the territory of Ukraine in 2020 would be much more cost effective than via the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, Naftogaz Ukrayiny said.

NBU calling for more power to regulate Ukraine's currency market

KIEV, June 17 – The National Bank of Ukraine has insufficient authority to cover all aspects of currency regulation and quickly react to changes on the currency market and advocates the adoption of a separate law on currency regulation, said Serhiy Ponomarenko, director of the open markets department at the NBU.

Kiev court orders halt to Ukrgazvydobyvannia fracking tender

KIEV, June 17 – Kiev's business court has ordered Ukrgazvydobyvannia to halt any actions related to the tender to buy hydrofracturing services (100 hydrofracturing operations), the state-owned company reported.

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Currencies (in hryvnias)
  01.10.2024 prev
USD 41.22 41.17
RUR 0.443 0.443
EUR 46.15 45.95

Stock Market
  30.09.2024 prev
PFTS 507.0 507.0
source: PFTS


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