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                        FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2024
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Ukrainian CDMA operators plans to boost number of subscribers

KIEV, July 24 ??“ Ukrainian operators of CDMA standard communications networks plan by 2007 to increase the number of their subscribers to 250,000-260,000 people, the CDMA Operators' Association told Interfax-Ukraine on Thursday.

Hansberger Global Investors set up $400 mln fund to invest in Ukraine

KIEV, July 24 - Hansberger Global Investors (HGI) of the U.S. has set up a direct investment fund to invest about $400 million in the Ukrainian economy, Viktor Ivchenko, head of the State Investment and Innovation Agency, told Interfax.

Ukraine joins NASA??™s space forum on ways of exploring Moon, Mars

KIEV, July 25 ??“ Participants of the 36th scientific assembly of the international Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), which was held in Beijing on July 16-23, have discussed NASA's international strategy for exploring the Moon and Mars.

Ukraine's petrochemical giant mulls shutting chlorine facilities

KIEV, July 25 - Ukraine??™s major petrochemical company KarpatNaftoKhim, formerly known as Lukor, is considering permanent shutdown and dismantling of its existing 191,000 tons/year chlorine and caustic soda (ChCS) production facilities, the company??™s press service said Tuesday.

Euromoney names PrivatBank the best Ukrainian bank for 2005

KIEV, July 25 ??“ The British financial magazine Euromoney has named PrivatBank of Dnipropetrovsk as the best bank in Ukraine in 2005 in its Awards For Excellence 2005, the bank reported.

Yushchenko blames slowdown on rising gas prices, hryvnia appreciation

KIEV, July 25 ??“ Rising gasoline prices and falling steel prices, along with steep appreciation of the hryvnia in April, have mostly contributed to Ukraine??™s economic slowdown this year, President Viktor Yushchenko said Monday.

Ukraine and Iran agree to accelerate natural gas pipeline efforts

KIEV, July 25 ??“ Ukraine and Iran agreed to accelerate efforts in arranging construction of a strategic natural gas pipeline linking Iranian gas fields and consumers in Europe, Naftogaz Ukrayiny said Monday.

TNK-BP announces plans to enter Europe mkt with Lysychansk oil

KIEV, July 25 ??“ TNK-BP International Holding plans to enter the European market with fuel produced by Lysychansk oil refinery in Luhansk region, Vice President of TNK-BP for processing and distribution Anthony Considine told journalists in Kiev on Friday.

Kremenchuk oil refinery sufficient for now: UkrTatNafta chief

KIEV, July 25 ??“ Kremenchuk oil refinery in Poltava region could refine all of the oil currently supplied to Odessa oil refinery, belonging to the Russian LUKOIL Serhiy Hlushko, chairman of UkrTatNafta, which owns the refinery, said at a board meeting of the Fuel and Energy Ministry on Thursday, Interfax-Ukraine reported Monday.

TNK-BP CEO disputes premier??™s push for new oil refinery in Ukraine

KIEV, July 25 ??“ Notwithstanding Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko??™s push for a new oil refinery, here is little point in building a new refinery in Ukraine at a time when Ukraine needs to reconstruct and upgrade its existing facilities, TNK-BP CEO German Hahn said, according to Interfax-Ukraine.

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Currencies (in hryvnias)
  27.09.2024 prev
USD 41.21 41.26
RUR 0.444 0.446
EUR 45.96 46.20

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  26.09.2024 prev
PFTS 507.0 507.0
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