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                        TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2025
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Russian hackers cripple Yushchenko website

KIEV, Oct. 30 – The official website of the President of Ukraine was shut down on Tuesday apparently due to a well-coordinated cyberspace attack, mostly from Russia, that had persisted for three days.

Ukraine wants to be a gas transit route for Russia, says Yanukovych

VLADIVOSTOK, Oct. 30 - Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych said Ukraine wants to be a transit route for Russian gas toward Europe but seeks energy independence.

Russia may station Black Sea Fleet in Crimea after 2017, says PM

KIEV, Oct. 30 ??“ Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych further challenged President Viktor Yushchenko??™s pro-Western foreign policy by suggesting Monday that Russia may be able to continue to station its naval ships in Ukraine after 2017.

Prime Minister: WTO bills to take 30 days

KIEV, Oct. 30 ??“ Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych said Monday the government needs some 30 days to submit to Parliament bills that are required for Ukraine??™s accession to the World Trade Organization.

Ukraine seeking retention of $1.4bln agriculture subsidies in WTO talks

KIEV, Oct. 29 ??“ Ukraine, in bilateral talks with other countries, will push for retaining $1.4 bln in annual state subsidies for the agriculture sector after joining the World Trade Organization, a top official said Saturday.

Prez to meet Rada leaders over WTO bills

KIEV, Oct. 29 ??“ President Viktor Yushchenko is expected to meet Parliament??™s group leaders Monday seeking their ???urgent??? support for bills required for Ukraine??™s accession to the World Trade Organization by the end of the year.

Kiev??™s Nadra Bank places $100 mln of 9.5% 3yr eurobonds

KIEV, Oct. 28 - Kiev's Nadra Bank has finished placing $100 mln in three-year eurobonds at annual interest of 9.5%, a market source told Interfax-Ukraine, citing a statement by the issue's lead managers.

Moody??™s assigns B2 long-term currency rating to TAS-Investbank

KIEV, Oct.28 -- Moody's Investors Service has assigned a B2 long-term and a Not-Prime short-term global local currency deposit rating to TAS-Investbank of Ukraine, reads a Moody's announcement carried by Interfax-Ukraine.

EU to support Ukraine’s recovery, sector reforms with EUR 50-bln facility

KYIV, Aug 28 – The Ukraine Recovery Plan, which the EU intends to support with the Ukraine Facility for 2024-2027 of EUR 50 billion, will consist of several key sections, including macro-financial recovery scenarios, major and sectoral reforms that are priority for the development of the sector, increasing the assimilation investments and cross-sectional topics – European integration, digitalization, regional development and climate.

Zelenskiy says open for elections in 2024

KYIV, Aug 28 - President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, responding to calls by a US senator this week to announce elections in 2024, said on Sunday voting could take place during wartime if partners shared the cost, legislators approved, and everyone got to the polls, Reuters reported.

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Currencies (in hryvnias)
  10.02.2025 prev
USD 41.47 41.49
RUR 0.426 0.429
EUR 43.03 42.98

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  07.02.2025 prev
PFTS 507.0 507.0
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