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                        TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2025
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Ukraine to press on with Stockholm suit despite gas agreement

KIEV, Oct. 30 - Ukraine is not going to recall its lawsuit from an arbitration court in Stockholm, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk said.

"A final decision concerning the fate of the gas contract will be adopted by the Stockholm arbitration court. That is why the agreement and the protocol that will be signed are provisional.

EC's financial guarantees to pay for gas agreement, says Gazprom CEO

BRUSSELS, Oct. 30 - The European Commission's financial guarantees concerning Ukraine's payments for Russian natural gas will be included in a bilateral protocol, Russian gas giant Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller said.

Ukraine, Russia and EU sign natgas deal

BRUSSELS, Oct. 30 - Ukraine, Russia and the European Union signed a deal on Thursday that will see Moscow resume vital supplies of gas to its ex-Soviet neighbor over the winter in return for payments funded in part by Kiev's Western creditors, Reuters reported.

Poroshenko Bloc calls for reform of Ukrainian energy sector

KIEV, Oct. 29 - The Petro Poroshenko Bloc has proposed that a coalition agreement should envision the reform of the energy sector in Ukraine.

"We will ensure the drawing of large-scale private investments in the energy sector. To increase our own production of gas, oil, and coal, we will diversify the sources of supplies of gas (not more than 30% of consumption per one supplier) and fuel for nuclear power plants in order to increase competition among suppliers and lower the level of monopolization and isolation of the Ukrainian energy market," a draft coalition agreement published on Tuesday says.

EP president and Poroshenko reiterate opposition to separatist votes

KIEV, Oct. 29 - European Parliament President Martin Schulz and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko called the elections the pro-Russian separatists are planning to hold in separate districts in Donetsk and Luhanks regions on November 2 unacceptable and in contravention of Ukrainian laws and the Minsk agreements, the Ukrainian presidential press service said.

Poroshenko Bloc won most support in recent election, says DPM

KIEV, Oct. 29 - Petro Poroshenko Bloc has won the most support among Ukrainians in the latest elections and will form the largest faction in the new Verkhovna Rada, said Volodymyr Hroisman, one of the party leaders and Deputy Prime Minister.

Poroshenko Bloc calls for suspension of transfer of seaports

KIEV, Oct. 30 – The suspension of the transfer of seaports to the long-term concession and their privatization after stabilizing the situation in the eastern part of Ukraine is foreseen in a draft coalition agreement of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc posted on its Web site early Wednesday.

Yanukovych signs law writing off arms producers’ natgas, other debts

KIEV, Oct. 30 – President Viktor Yanukovych has signed laws passed by parliament this fall that calls for writing off and restructuring debts of arms producers under Ukroboronprom concern.

Yanukovych signed the law to ensure the producers can continue operation and expansion.

Ukrainian elections fail to comply with European standards: analyst

BRUSSELS, Oct. 30 - Ukraine’s parliamentary elections has failed to comply with the European practice and that is unlikely to normalize relations between Kiev ad Brussels, Olga Shumylo-Tapiola, an expert of Carnegie Europe in Brussels, said.

The European Union leaders' statements indicate that Kiev has beaten its own record in manipulation techniques, especially on the polling day and during the vote count, she said.

Yanukovych faces pressure over vote

KIEV, Oct. 30 – President Viktor Yanukovych on Tuesday faced growing international pressure over flawed parliamentary elections after the U.S. had joined European organizations to express concerns over the handling of the vote.

The growing criticism may potentially put at risk Ukraine’s relations with the West and may effectively delay the country’s political association and a free trade agreement with the European Union.

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