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                        TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2025
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PM vows to pay for Russian gas imports on time and without emission

KIEV, Aug. 28 – Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said Friday Naftogaz Ukrayiny will make payment for Russian natural gas imports on time and without relying on money-printing by the National Bank of Ukraine.

Leaders unite for Donbass Arena opening

DONETSK, Aug. 29 – Ukraine’s political leaders on Saturday joined together for the grand opening of Donbass Arena, a $400 million soccer stadium in Donetsk, one of four that are expected to host the Euro-2012 championship.

National security council orders government to diversify natural gas

KIEV, Aug. 27 - The Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council has ordered to the government to ensure the diversification of natural gas sources, suppliers, routes and methods of transportation.

Prime minister to discuss economic issues with Putin in Poland

KIEV, Aug. 27 – Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko is planning to discuss issues of economic cooperation at a meeting with her Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Poland on Sept. 1.

Premier vows to start modernizing aircraft manufacture next year

KIEV, Aug. 27 - The Ukrainian government is determined to start technological modernization of the national aircraft manufacturing industry in 2010, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said while visiting the Antonov research and production center on Thursday.

Yushchenko secretariat knocks government handling of state guarantees

KIEV, Aug. 27 – The Ukrainian cabinet in 2009 made decisions to give state guarantees worth over UAH 37 billion, while the law on the national budget for 2009 sets the limit for them at UAH 37 billion, the chief service of social and economic development at the secretariat of President Viktor Yuschenko announced.

President soon to announce new anti-corruption initiatives

KIEV, Aug. 29 - President Viktor Yushchenko will soon announce anti-corruption initiatives which foresee compulsory declarations of the spending of state employees and members of their families, as well as the creation of a single state anti-corruption body.

Foreign minister: We will defend our interests in Romanian disputes

ODESSA, Aug. 29 - Ukraine will defend its economic interests in its relations with Romania, primarily the issue of sovereignty over Zmiyiny (Serpent) Island and the Bystroye channels in the Danube delta, Foreign Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk said.

Escalating dispute over Pora party registration may wind up in court

KIEV, Aug. 30 – The escalating dispute over registration of the Pora party may lead to a situation causing results of the Sept. 30 election to be appealed in court, an election watchdog said Thursday.

Govt unveils vote cancellation scenario

KIEV, Aug. 30 – Ukraine appeared headed Thursday for a major confrontation between political groups when its pro-Russian government unveiled a scenario for canceling the Sept. 30 election.

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