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                        TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2025
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Russian hackers target Ecumenical Patriarch

LONDON, Aug. 29 – The Russian hackers indicted by the U.S. special prosecutor last month have spent years trying to steal the private correspondence of some of the world’s most senior Orthodox Christian figures, The Associated Press has found, illustrating the high stakes as Kyiv and Moscow wrestle over the religious future of Ukraine.

Poroshenko: Ukraine is ready to break friendship treaty with Russia

KYIV, Aug 28 – President Petro Poroshenko said Ukraine is legally ready to terminate the treaty on friendship, cooperation and partnership with Russia, concluded in 1997, and expects the relevant documents from the Foreign Ministry.

Poroshenko urges LPG price hike probe

KYIV, Aug. 30 – President Petro Poroshenko urged law enforcement agencies Wednesday to investigate steep liquified petroleum gas price hike, but failed to address concerns that 40% of the market is now controlled by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s ally.

Kharkiv regional governor named to head presidential administration

KIEV, Aug. 29 – President Petro Poroshenko has announced the appointment of Kharkiv regional governor Ihor Rainin as head of the Presidential Administration.

New US ambassador to take trip through Ukraine to get acquianted

KIEV, Aug. 29 – U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch intends to make a trip through Ukraine to get acquainted with the changes taking place in the country and hear what Ukrainians are striving for.

Ukraine's cabinet of ministers approves priority areas of activity

KIEV, Aug. 30 – The Cabinet of Ministers has approved some priority areas of activity, the implementation of which require government approval.

EC vice president to visit Ukraine on Friday to discuss energy reforms

BRUSSELS, Aug. 30 - European Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic said he will visit Kiev on Friday to discuss energy reforms and lay the groundwork for trilateral talks with Ukraine and Russia that he hopes will help ensure uninterrupted gas supplies in the winter, Reuters reported.

Kiev decries Russian military exercises

KIEV, Aug. 30 – Russia has amassed 100,000 troops on its border with Ukraine for military exercises that may result in “bloody consequences” should it decide to escalate the armed conflict in Donbas, President Petro Poroshenko’s spokesman said Tuesday.

41% of Ukrainians would vote for NATO membership, poll shows

KIEV, Aug. 27 – The number of Ukrainians who are ready to vote for Ukraine's membership in NATO in a referendum prevails over opponents to such a decision, judging by a poll conducted by the Rating sociological group.

Poroshenko approval ratings down to 23%, according to Rating poll

KIEV, Aug. 28 – The proportion of Ukrainian residents approving or partially approving of policies pursued by Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko is 24%, while 67% of respondents disapprove or partially disapprove of his policies, judging by a survey conducted by a sociological group.

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