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                        TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2025
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SPF sells 33.3% stake in nuclear fuel joint venture for UAH 47.8mln

KYIV, Aug 30 – The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPF) sold 33.3% of shares in Ukrainian-Kazakh-Russian joint venture for nuclear fuel production at an open auction for UAH 47.8 million, which is 51.9 times more than the starting price, to Wise Trade LLC.

Pivdenmash to supply rocket engines to European space launch vehicle Vega

KYIV, Aug 29 - State-owned Ukrainian rocket maker Pivdenmash is preparing a new batch of engines for the European launch vehicle (LV) Vega to ship to the European partners, the press service of the enterprise has reported.

Defense Ministry agrees to order new Ukrainian-made Korsar anti-tank missiles

KYIV, Aug 30 – Ukraine's state-run Ukroboronprom concern has welcomed the decision of the Ministry of Defense to use the light, mobile Korsar anti-tank guided missile system, which can hit targets at a range of 2.5 kilometers.

Poroshenko calls acceleration of privatization a priority reform

KIEV, Aug. 29 – President Petro Poroshenko called acceleration of privatization is one of the priority reforms in Ukraine and said he expects new laws expanding the list of state-owned enterprises.

Gazprom Q2 report discloses $14.2 billion Naftogaz counterclaim

MOSCOW, Aug. 30 - In addition to its own arbitration claims relating to the terms of the contract to supply gas to Ukraine, Russia's Gazprom has for the first time disclosed the amount of counter-claims by NJSC Naftogaz Ukrayiny, which it said were $14.23 billion.

Ukroboronprom working on Horlytsia unmanned antiaircraft system

KIEV, Aug. 30 – State Concern Ukroboronprom is working on the creation of multifunctional operative and tactical unmanned aircraft system Horlytsia, which has a flight range produces of more than 1,000 km.

Turboatom, Zaporizhia Titanium in 2016-17 privatization list

KIEV, Aug. 30 – The government's committee for economic, financial and legal policy has approved a list of enterprises to be privatized in 2016-2017, including Turboatom, Electrotyazhmash, the United Mining and Chemical Company, the State Food and Grain Corporation, and a state stake in Zaporizhia Titanium and Magnesium Combine LLC.

Owner of demolished Kiev business seeking political asylum in US

KIEV, Aug. 28 – Mykola Ivanenko, the owner of the Luxexpress II Company, following the destruction of his business has asked the United States to provide him and his family with political asylum.

32,200 election precincts to be monitored via new surveillance system

KIEV, Aug. 28 – A system of video surveillance over parliamentary elections in Ukraine, which will be introduced by Sitronics IT, will cover 32,200 precinct election commissions and enable 300,000 users to simultaneously watch video broadcasts on the Internet, the company's press service has reported.

Ukrainians’ trust in government is low, according to KIIS poll

KIEV, Aug. 29 – The trust of Ukrainians in government institutions is low, according to a poll conducted by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology (KIIS).

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USD 41.47 41.49
RUR 0.426 0.429
EUR 43.03 42.98

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PFTS 507.0 507.0
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