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                        FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2024
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Ukraine must boost gasoline imports to alleviate shortages: WOG
Journal Staff Report

KYIV, May 24 – In order to achieve a normal level of consumer supply, fuel supplies to Ukraine should increase from the current 15,000 tons per day to at least 22,000 tons, and taking into account the needs of the army and farmers and the ability to form reserves, they should be almost doubled to 25,000-27,000 tons, director of WOG Holding BV Andriy Pyvovarsky believes.

In order to reach a normal level of consumption, it is necessary to carry about 22,000 tons of product per day. If we talk about all distribution channels, and these are the needs of the army, farmers, etc., then rhythmically 25,000-27,000 tons of product should be delivered per day," Pyvovarsky said in an interview in the Orestokratia project.

He drew attention to the fact that it was possible to increase almost tenfold the supply of fuel from Europe – from 1,500-2,000 tons in February to 15,000 tons in May – in three months, and now these volumes are increasing daily.

In this regard, Pyvovarsky predicts that in the absence of force majeure, Ukraine will be able to reach a normal level of diesel fuel supply within a month, however, it may take a little longer to provide the necessary volumes of gasoline to the market, taking into account, among other things, the more complex automotive logistics of its delivery and shortage of A-95 in Europe.

As for 95, the situation here is more complicated. Here the question is not only to deliver, but also to find, buy. There is a shortage of 95 in Europe. From what I see now, it will take more than a month. But every day we have a positive trend, we are importing more," the WOG top manager said.

I say cautiously that we have passed the crisis and are growing," Pyvovarsky added. (om/ez)

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