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                        SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2024
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EU may suspend for 1-year duties on imports from Ukraine
Journal Staff Report

BRUSSELS, April 27 - The European Commission (EC) has proposed to suspend for one year the collection of import duties on all Ukrainian exports to the European Union, the EC communiqué said.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said she had discussed with President Zelensky ways to support the economy, in addition to the macro-financial assistance and grants that they provide. They both agree on the critical importance of a quick and wide suspension of import duties to boost the economy of Ukraine.

According to her, the suspension of duties will greatly facilitate the export of Ukrainian industrial and agricultural goods to the EU. She promised continued economic assistance to Kyiv.

The EC proposal also provides for the suspension for one year of all EU anti-dumping and safeguard measures in force against Ukrainian steel exports. This move, they explain in Brussels, is designed to help increase Ukraine's exports to the EU, which will alleviate the plight of Ukrainian producers and exporters in the current situation in the country.

The EU has never before taken such trade liberalization measures, which are unprecedented in their scope: giving Ukraine access to the EU market with zero tariffs, zero quotas, Valdis Dombrovskis, the Executive Vice President of the European Commission, said. (om/ez)

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