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                        SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2024
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Ukraine seeks access to EU roaming space amid BRDO recommendation
Journal Staff Report

KYIV, March 25 - Ukraine's accession to the EU roaming space is an important step that experts from the BRDO (Better Regulation Delivery Office) are calling for to take now.

"As the next step, we propose to temporarily abolish roaming charges for Ukrainians and connect Ukraine to the EU roaming market," the report says.

"Since the beginning of the RF's war against Ukraine, more than 3 million Ukrainians have arrived in the EU, and this figure continues to grow. According to the most conservative estimates of BRDO experts, roaming migrants currently generate more than 49 million minutes of voice traffic and more than a petabyte of data traffic per month. It costs migrants tens of millions of euros a month," it reads.

"Ukraine’s joining the EU roaming market will reduce the cost of communication abroad for Ukrainians, as well as bring Ukraine closer to the EU Digital Single Market," it says.

"The policy "The Eastern Partnership beyond 2020: Reinforcing Resilience" envisages that the EU will support the implementation of roaming agreements between partner countries and, if necessary, with the EU. Since 2017, Ukraine has repeatedly raised the issue of abolishing roaming charges in the EU for Ukrainian citizens. This document provides for such a possibility," it reports.

"The EU supports Ukraine’s accelerated process of European integration, the biggest wave of migration in the EU since World War II is currently unfolding, Belarus (one of the Eastern Partnership countries) is taking part in the war against Ukraine. This requires a review of the approach of the work of the Eastern Partnership," it says.

"During the war, Ukrainians are in dire need of assistance in joining the “roaming European Union",” according to the document. (om/ez)

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