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                        WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2024
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Ukraine calls for urgent measures after chemical firm targeted
Journal Staff Report

KYIV, March 21 – Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has called on the international community to take urgent measures to counter the next aggressive actions of the Russian occupiers, who shelled the territory of Sumykhimprom chemical enterprise on Monday morning.

"On March 20, the Russian Federation spread baseless accusations against Ukraine through the UN Security Council of allegedly preparing terrorist attacks on foreign diplomatic missions in Lviv, as well as plans to use chemical weapons in Sumy and Kotliareve, Mykolaiv region," the press service of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The ministry said that the Russian Federation is once again using international organizations to spread absurd accusations against Ukraine, among which was disinformation about the alleged development of a "dirty" bomb or a biological weapons program.

"By grossly violating the laws and rules of the warfare (jus in bello), Russia is spreading false narratives to create an informational cover for further crimes of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine. In this regard, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry strongly condemns the shelling of the territory of PJSC Sumykhimprom by the Russian armed forces on March 21," the ministry said.

The Permanent Representation of Ukraine to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) previously notified the technical secretariat of the OPCW about the threat of the use of chemical weapons by the Russian Federation itself in the locations indicated in the Russian document. (om/ez)

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