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                        WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2024
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Zelensky calls on Germany to end economic relations with Russia
Journal Staff Report

KYIV, March 21 – President Volodymyr Zelensky has called on Germany to end all economic relations with Russia to deprive Russia of the means to continue the war with Ukraine.

"Don't be sponsors of this country's military machine, not a single euro for the occupiers, close all your ports for them, don't supply goods, refuse Russian energy resources, push Russia to leave Ukraine," he said in a video message to the protesters in support of Ukraine gathered in Berlin circulated on his Telegram channel on Monday.

According to him, at the time when Germany was negotiating with Russia on gas supplies, "we warned your politicians that it was dangerous. We said that sanctions are needed to prevent this war from starting."

"Germans! You have power. Europe has power stronger than any missiles, stronger than tanks. Without trade with your banks and companies, Russia will not have the funds for this war," Zelensky said.

Noting that earlier Kyiv was called the "new Berlin," Zelenskiy said that "Kyiv is now quiet, waiting for a new air siren," turning on the recording of the air raid signal on his phone. "We are fighting against rocket artillery, against planes and helicopters, on which the Russians are already writing "To Berlin," because they want to go further than Ukraine, they want to go everywhere, they want to come to you!" the president said.

"I believe that peace is possible, but you must act to achieve peace. So that again it would be as safe on our streets as it is in yours," Zelensky said. (om/ez)

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