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                        FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2024
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Russia begins army drills amid standoff
Journal Staff Report

KYIV, Jan 25 - Russia on Tuesday announced new military exercises amid a standoff with the U.S. and NATO over Ukraine, which Western officials have warned Russia not to invade.

The newest Russian military drills include short-range ballistic missile units and are being conducted in the western region of Russia, The New York Times reported.

Russia's military district in the area said the exercises were meant "to comprehensively check forces' combat skills," The Washington Post reported.

The announcement of the new drills came as a response after Pentagon press secretary John Kirby on Monday announced that about 8,500 U.S. military personnel have been put “on a heightened preparedness to deploy” in the event “NATO should activate the [NATO Response Force] or if other situations develop.”

Russia's action was also a response to added fighter jets and other ships being deployed by NATO, according to the Times.

“We are observing these actions of the United States with profound concern,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov said Tuesday, according to multiple reports.

The latest drills come amid escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine as the U.S. and other nations voice concern about Russia potentially invading the former Soviet Union state.

Tens of thousands of troops have been amassed by Russia near the Ukrainian border.

President Joe Biden on Monday consulted with key European leaders, underscoring U.S. solidarity with allies there. Biden held an 80-minute video call with several European leaders on the Russian military buildup and potential responses to an invasion.

“I had a very, very, very good meeting -- total unanimity with all the European leaders," Biden told reporters at the White House. "We’ll talk about it later.”

The White House said the leaders emphasized their desire for a diplomatic solution to the crisis but also discussed efforts to deter further Russian aggression, “including preparations to impose massive consequences and severe economic costs on Russia for such actions as well as to reinforce security on NATO’s eastern flank.”

The State Department earlier this week had ordered the families of all American personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv to leave the country, and it said that nonessential embassy staff could leave at U.S. government expense. (nyt/ez)

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