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                        FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2024
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Gazprom threatens to build Nord Stream 3
Journal Staff Report

KYIV, April 25 – Gazprom on Wednesday threatened to build a third direct natural gas pipeline from Russia across the Baltic Sea to Germany that would completely eliminate Ukraine’s gas transit operation.

Aleksandr Medvedev, Gazprom’s deputy chairman, said Russia is open to building Nord Stream 3 even as construction of Nord Stream 2 is yet to be completed. This is the first time Gazprom official has mentioned the possibility of building Nord Stream 3.

“It’s possible if Europe shows its demand and is ready to sign necessary contracts,” Medvedev said in an interview with Russia 24 television.

The comment underscores Gazprom’s more aggressive approach to expanding on European energy markets despite wide ranging concerns that it has been using pipelines as a political tool against Ukraine.

This comes two weeks after German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Nord Stream 2 pipeline cannot go ahead without clarity on Ukraine’s role as a transit route.

Medvedev did not mention the suggested capacity of Nord Stream 3. Nord Stream 2 is supposed to double the existing Nord Stream pipeline’s annual capacity of 55 billion cubic meters.

Russia is determined to go ahead with the construction of Nord Stream pipelines despite concerns in Europe and in the U.S. that the pipeline will be used to increase Europe’s dependence on Russia.

U.S. President Donald Trump said earlier this month the U.S. will oppose construction of Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline amid concerns for European energy security.

Trump made the comments at a meeting with the presidents of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in the White House to discuss energy and security issues.

Ukraine is earning up to $2 billion annually from shipments of Russian gas to Europe.

Gazprom said recently it does not plan to extend gas transit contract with Ukraine after the current contract expires by the end of 2019.

The German regulatory authorities issued on March 27 the last permit for the construction of the Nord Stream 2 in Germany. The permit covers construction of a 30-kilometer zone in the exclusive economic zone.

Along with the U.S. and Ukraine, other European countries, including Denmark, Poland and Lithuania, are against the Nord Stream 2 claiming it will increase Russian influence on European energy markets.

The Nord Stream 2 consortium includes six members: Russia’s Gazprom, Germany’s E.ON and BASF/Wintershall, as well as OMV, Engie and Shell. (nr/ez)

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