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                        SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2024
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Ag groups seeking NBU Ukrlandfarming help
Journal Staff Report

KIEV, Jan. 25 – Agrarian associations have asked Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman to settle a conflict between Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine Valeriya Gontareva and the owner of Ukrlandfarming agroholding Oleh Bakhmatiuk to avoid serious economic consequences.

According to the letter of the associations, the conflict between business and representatives of the government's executive branch sends a negative signal not only to the national economy, but also foreign investors operating in Ukraine.

"If the company like [Ukrlandfarming] is destroyed, this would affect capitalization of large Ukrainian agrarian companies and they will lose many funds," the associations said.

The associations believe that restructuring of the company's debt to the state would positively influence not only the development of the enterprise, but also the agrarian and industrial complex in general.

The associations said that in 2016 the agroholding produced products for over $1.2 billion, paid UAH 2 billion of taxes and UAH 2.5 billion of salaries to workers.

"This again proves that the company’s top managers are able to control the situation and provide money for spring field works if the state does not press," the associations said in the letter.

The agrarian associations asked the prime minister to hold a meeting with participation of representatives of the Presidential Administration, profile parliamentary committees, NBU head and top managers of Ukrlandfarming to settle the conflict.

The letter was signed by the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation, Ukrainian Agribusiness Club, Ukrainian Agrarian Council, Association of Farmers and Private Landowners and the Federation of Employers in Agriculture. (om/ez)

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