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                        TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2024
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Israel nixes Groysman's Wednesday visit
Journal Staff Report

KIEV, Dec. 25 - Ukraine called in Israeli ambassador to Kiev for clarification after Israel’s decision to cancel a scheduled visit by Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman over a vote in the UN Security Council, The Jerusalem Post reported.

The Foreign Ministry expressed its “disappointment” to Eliav Belotserkovsky at the “emotional reaction of some Israeli officials and politicians” following the passage of the anti-settlement resolution at the UN Security Council, according to the ministry.

Groysman was scheduled to arrive on Wednesday. Jerusalem nixed the visit, however, because Ukraine was among the 14 states that voted on Friday for the anti-settlement resolution at the UN.

The Foreign Ministry on Sunday summoned in a representative from the Ukrainian embassy in Israel to protest that vote.

The two parties agreed to focus on the preparation of a number of “important bilateral events,” including the next round of negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement, as well as negotiations to liberalize air traffic between the two countries, the ministry reported.

The cancellation of Groysman’s visit was one of a number of steps Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered following the vote, including recalling the ambassadors to Senegal and New Zealand – which were among the sponsors of the resolution – and curtailing the trips of ministers to the 14 countries who voted against Israel.

Ukraine has over the years “adhered to the consistent and balanced position on the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the ministry said. We stand for peaceful coexistence of two independent States – Israel and Palestine. The settlement of the conflict must be carried out only through peaceful means. However, we emphasize the need for direct Israeli-Palestinian negotiations,” the ministry said.

The statement also said that Ukraine has “more than once” condemned Israeli settlement activities, and also condemns the “violence and incitement” from the Palestinians. The text of the UN resolution was “balanced,” the ministry said.

“Our country consistently advocates the respect for the international law by everyone and everywhere as [it] has experienced itself the tragic consequences brought [about] by its violation,” the statement said in reference to Crimea. “That’s why our position was formed on the basis of our consistent line to ensure the respect for the international law by all its subjects.”

Diplomatic officials in Jerusalem said that the decision to cancel Groysman's visit was part of a policy to send a signal to the world that Israel will begin extracting a price for countries that vote against it in critical votes in international forums. (jp/ez)

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