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                        SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2024
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Government imposes 75.4& increase for industrial natural gas

KIEV, Jan. 29 - Ukraine’s National Committee for Power Regulation (NCPR), the government’s energy sector regulating body, on Thursday moved to increase by 75.4% natural gas prices for the industrial sector in 2009, the committee reported.

Ukraine’s top security body again delays review of Russian gas deal

KIEV, Jan. 29 - Ukraine’s top security body, chaired by President Viktor Yushchenko, again delayed its scheduled meeting to review the recent natural gas deal with Russia, Yushchenko’s press service reported Thursday.

Gazprom denies reported natgas transfer

KIEV, Jan. 29 – Russian gas giant Gazprom on Thursday denied it had ever transferred 10 billion cubic meters of RosUkrEnergo’s natural gas stashed in Ukrainian underground gas tanks to Naftogaz Ukrayiny, only $1.7 billion of debt.

Tymoshenko vows an end to RosUkrEnergo in H1, sooner than expected

BRUSSELS, Jan. 29 – Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko on Tuesday vowed to get rid of RosUkrEnergo, Ukraine’s only supplier of natural gas, before the end of June, or six months sooner than had been previously expected.

Yushchenko bristles at Tymoshenko threat

KIEV, Jan. 29 – President Viktor Yushchenko’s office on Tuesday responded strongly to a warning by Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko that she may compete with the incumbent for the presidency next year.

Talks underway to avert crisis in Ukraine

KIEV, Jan. 29 ??“ Talks are underway between President Viktor Yushchenko and Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych to try to avert the constitutional crisis that may be caused by the recently approved law reducing powers of the president.

Soros urges Ukraine to cut dependence on Russian energy

DAVOS, Jan. 26 - George Soros, a U.S. financier and philanthropist, said Ukraine should try to reduce its dependence on Russian gas supplies and to make gas supplies to Ukraine more transparent.

Yanukovych: Compromise possible over crisis

KIEV, Jan. 28 ??“ Former Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, an opposition leader who controls one of the biggest groups in Parliament, indicated Saturday his party may back a compromise ending a three-week political crisis in Ukraine.

Minister cancels Moscow trip as Ukraine-Russia trade row worsens

KIEV, Jan. 29 ??“ Agriculture Minister Oleksandr Baranivskiy cancelled his trip to Moscow Sunday after the Russian government had failed to confirm talks on lifting its ban on imports of meat and dairy products from Ukraine.

Ukraine reduces 10% daily gas use on warmer weather, ministry says

KIEV, Jan. 27 ??“ Ukraine reduced by 10% daily use of natural gas on Thursday ending a week of rampant gas consumption that had been triggered by extremely cold weather, the Energy and Fuel Ministry said Friday.

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USD 41.44 41.41
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