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                        FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2024
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Venice Commission to explain Ukraine constitution changes to Russians

KIEV, Aug. 19 – On Thursday, August 20, under the initiative of Germany, informal consultations of legal experts from the Normandy Four countries will be held in Berlin with the participation of representatives of the Venice Commission to explain the legal aspects of constitutional amendments in Ukraine to Russia.

NATO warns separatists against land grab

BRUSSELS, Aug. 19 - NATO on Wednesday warned pro-Russian separatists against grabbing more land in eastern Ukraine and stressed Moscow has a "special responsibility" to help restore peace as fighting escalates.

Ukrainians completing construction of defensive fortifications

KIEV, Aug. 18 – Three lines of fortification constructions amounting to a total of 268 are almost completely ready, according to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

Ukraine considering participation in NATO Airspace Security Program

KIEV, Aug. 18 – The state-run Ukrainian State Air Traffic Services Enterprise is considering participating in the NATO Regional Airspace Security Program (RASP).

According to the enterprise's press service, the advantages of the program were discussed at a meeting of NATO experts and representatives of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

US military attaché presents $7.6 million field hospital to Ukraine

KIEV, Aug. 18 – Col. Carol Northrup, military attach&#233; of the U.S. embassy in Ukraine, presented a military field hospital on the belhalf of the embassy at a ceremony in Zhytomyr, the U.S. embassy in Ukraine reported.

World Bank board to consider $500 million loan to Ukraine on Aug. 25

KIEV, Aug. 18 - The Board of Directors of the World Bank plans to consider at a meeting on August 25 the issue of the Second Development Policy Loan (DPL-2) in the amount of $500 million to Ukraine.

'Egypt direction will ebb' soon, says Ukraine tourism trade group

KIEV, Aug. 19 – Thinking about canceling that tour of the pyramids? Think again, says the head of a Ukrainian tour industry trade group.

"The Egypt direction will ebb“ in the coming week, according to Ihor Holubakha, chairman of the All-Ukrainian Association of Tour Operators.

UDAR leader calls for government to appeal to WTO over Russia

KIEV, Aug. 19 – UDAR Party leader Vitali Klitschko has called upon the Ukrainian government to address the World Trade Organization and officially inform it of the trade conflict between Ukraine and Russia so that the dispute could be settled quickly.

"The WTO has not been informed on the trade dispute between Ukraine and Russia. Neither Kiev nor Moscow sent a request asking for aid in settling the conflict," reads a statement of the party.

Clashes erupt at Kiev city Rada building

KIEV, Aug. 19 – Clashes erupted Monday when opposition lawmakers broke into the heavily guarded Kiev city council building through windows seeking to prevent what they call an “illegal” session of the local legislature.

President signs employment law aimed at helping younger Ukrainians

KIEV, Aug. 16 – President Viktor Yanukovych has signed a new employment law aimed at helping young people.

Iryna Akimova, First Deputy head of Ukraine's Presidential Administration, said at a briefing in Kiev that the law would partially resolve problems on the population's employment.

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