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                        FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2024
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Germany must provide energy security guarantees to Ukraine: Lithuanian MP

KYIV, Nov 18 – Ukraine should seek geopolitical security guarantees from Germany in connection with the construction by Russia of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, and they can be implemented through guarantees of integration into Europe, Member of the European Parliament (MEP), former Prime Minister of Lithuania Andrius Kubilius said.

Cabinet says farmers may get cheap loans to buy farmland

KYIV, Nov 18 – The Cabinet of Ministers promises loans at 3-5% per annum for those who want to buy land to work on it later, Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture Tymofiy Mylovanov said on the Freedom of Speech by Savik Shuster program on the Ukraina TV Channel.

Ukraine mulls ‘compromise’ with Russia

KYIV, Nov. 19 - Ukraine is ready to accept a "reasonable compromise" at a four-way summit on settling the conflict in eastern Ukraine, Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko said on Tuesday, Reuters reported.

Ukraine needs external financing to pay foreign debts, PM says

KYIV, Nov 19 – The Ukrainian economy is growing, but the external financial assistance is required to pay earlier taken debt commitments, Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman said.

U.S.: Ukraine may need more capacity to confront ‘Russian aggression’

WASHINGTON, Nov 19 - The United States and Ukraine consider it necessary to further strengthen Kyiv's capacities to confront "Russian aggression," the U.S. Department of State has said.

Russia detains Ukrainian fishing vessels

KYIV, NOV 19 – A dispute over shipping lanes is threatening to reignite the 4-year-old simmering military conflict between Ukraine and Russia following confrontations sparked by both sides in recent days, according to the U.S. News and World Report.

IMF awaits $3 billion debt restructuring talks between Moscow and Kiev

KIEV, Nov. 19 – The International Monetary Fund expects that Russian and Ukrainian authorities will begin direct talks on restructuring of Ukraine's eurobonds worth $3 billion due in late December 2015.

Envoy: West must keep pressure on Russia

KIEV, Nov. 19 - The West should not ease pressure on Russia over its role in Ukraine's conflict even if it cooperates with the Kremlin to fight terrorism, a senior Ukrainian diplomat said on Thursday.

Poroshenko signs law allowing foreign troops in for NATO program

KIEV, Nov. 18 - President Petro Poroshenko has signed law No. 786-VIII permitting soldiers of other nations to enter the territory of Ukraine for participation in multinational exercises in November-December this year, the presidential press service has reported.

Kiev and EC sign off on accession to Creative Europe program

KIEV, Nov. 18 – The Ukrainian government and the European Commission are to sign an agreement in Kiev on Thursday on Ukraine's accession to the Creative Europe program, Deputy Prime Minister Viacheslav Kyrylenko said.

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