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                        FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2024
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Ukraine and EC to discuss natgas ahead of trilateral talks with Russia

KIEV, July 29 – Ukraine and the European Commission will discuss natural gas issues next month before holding trilateral talks with Russia, a senior energy and coal industry ministry official said Wednesday.

Russia vetoes UN MH17 tribunal resolution

UNITED NATIONS, July 29 - Russia vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution Wednesday that sought to set up a special tribunal to try those responsible for shooting down flight MH17 over Ukraine.

Deputy health minister unveils proposed organ transplant law changes

KIEV, July 28 – Changes to the law on organ transplantation include the introduction of "presumed consent" and the division of the terms "cadaveric" and "live" donor, First Deputy Health Minister Oleksandra Pavlenko said.

EU may provide up to €75 million to support civil service reform

KIEV, July 28 – The European Union may provide up to EUR75 million in support of civil service reform in Ukraine if the government and parliament adopt relevant measures on time, deputy head of the Ukrainian presidential administration Dmitry Shymkiv said.

Extraordinary Parliament session to tackle military funding issue

KIEV, July 28 – An extraordinary session of Parliament is to be held on Thursday, at which the recently rejected package of budget and tax code legislation will be reconsidered, Speaker Oleksandr Turchynov said.

Civilian death toll in eastern conflict past 1,000, according to UN

KIEV, July 28 – As many as 1,129 civilians have been killed and 3,442 injured in Ukraine since the beginning of the anti-separatist operation in mid-April 2014 until July 26, according to a UN report.

Yatseniuk again asks Rada to pass budget and military bills

KIEV, July 28 - Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk on Monday called on lawmakers to pass budget amendments on a second attempt to secure financing for the military and maintain Kiev's bailout deals with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, Reuters reported.

US and Europe agree to impose wider sanctions on key Russian sectors

WASHINGTON, July 28 - U.S. and European leaders agreed on Monday to impose wider sanctions on Russia's financial, defense and energy sectors, Reuters reported.

Kiev attempting to take SAM missile site

KIEV, July 28 - Ukraine said its troops had taken more territory from pro-Russian rebels near the site where Malaysian flight MH17 was brought down, as international investigators said fighting was preventing them reaching the crash location, Reuters reported.

International donors may help Ukraine reform itself, says official

KIEV, July 29 – International donor organizations are mulling the possibility of providing financial assistance to help Ukraine implement reforms, Dmitry Shymkiv, deputy head of the Presidential Administration, said at a briefing in Kiev.

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