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                        THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2024
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Ukraine, IMF to agree on reform program after election: Zelenskiy’s advisor

KYIV, May 20 – Ukraine could agree with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on a new program after parliamentary election, Executive Director of Blazer International Foundation and Volodymyr Zelensky's advisor for macroeconomic policy Oleh Ustenko said.

Russia may keep moving gas via Ukraine

SOCHI, May 18 - Russia’s President Vladimir Putin said Friday that gas supplies to Europe via Ukraine may continue even after the launch of a new prospective Germany-bound pipeline under the Baltic Sea, The Associated Press reported.

Tymoshenko, Poroshenko lead in presidential election polls

KYIV, May 17 – Yulia Tymoshenko, the leader of the Batkivschyna Party and the incumbent president Petro Poroshenko would receive the most votes of Ukrainians, according to a poll conducted by the Institute for Analysis and Forecasting.

UEFA to compensate for soccer fans’ free city transportation plan

KYIV, May 18 – The UEFA would compensate EUR 100,000 to Kyiv city for the introduction of free city transportation for fans with tickets for matches of Men and Women's Champions League finals and accredited persons (on May 24 through May 27).

Finance minister calls for rational study of Eurovision 2017 benefits

KIEV, May 19 – Finance Minister Oleksandr Danyliuk has called for sobriety in assessing opportunities and benefits of the Eurovision 2017 song contest. He said project proposals should be financially viable.

EU: Expect sanctions on Russia to renew

BRUSSELS, May 19 - European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini expects sanctions against Russia over its actions in Ukraine to be renewed in July, she told a German newspaper on Thursday, Reuters reported.

IMF may decide to continue cooperation in June, says Ukraine official

KIEV, May 17 – The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund could discuss continuation of cooperation with Ukraine under the Extended Fund Facility program in June, Deputy Finance Minister Yuriy Butsa has said.

Mission chief: Strong measures needed by July to save IMF program

KIEV, May 18 – The International Monetary Fund Executive Board may consider a second review of the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) program for Ukraine in July, the IMF said in a statement on May 18 after the end of its recent mission in Kiev, which worked on May 10-18.

Parliament enacts law enabling no early withdrawal deposits

KIEV, May 18 - Parliament has adopted a law on the conditions of returning term deposits (bill No. 1195), which allows banks to offer term deposits without the possibility of their early withdrawal.

New targeted Ukraine defense program to be submitted by July 1

KIEV, May 19 – Ukraine is preparing a new state-targeted defense program on developing the arms and military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the state program on reformation of defense industry until 2020 which are to be submitted to the government by July 1, head of the interagency commission for defense and technical cooperation and export control at the National Defense and Security Council Oleh Hladkovsky said.

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