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                        WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2024
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Ukraine plans to end IMF lending program in 2023, Finance Minister says

KYIV, Nov 20 – Ukraine seek to end a lending program with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2023, and the program being negotiated now should become the last one, Finance Minister Oksana Markarova said.

German minister says Russian gas must flow to Europe via Ukraine

KYIV, Nov 20 – Germany believes that the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine should continue after 2019, head of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs Heiko Maas has said.

Russia returns ships in poor condition

KYIV, Nov. 20 - Ukrainian naval ships, captured by Russia last November and released on Tuesday to be returned to Ukraine, are in very poor condition and cannot move independently, the commander of Ukraine’s navy said on Wednesday, Reuters reported.

Ukrainian sea ports authority to sue Russia for Crimea occupation

KYIV, Nov 20 – The Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority is preparing a claim against the government of the Russian Federation seeking for compensation of losses caused by the temporarily occupation of Crimea, according to a posting on the website of the authority.

Former PM Yatseniuk’s ally accused of embezzling $17.29-mln via uranium imports

KYIV, Nov 20 – An ally of former Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk is accused of embezzling $17.29 million through controversial transaction while importing uranium from Kazakhstan, officials said Tuesday.

New virus targets government computers

KYIV, Nov 20 – Ukrainian intelligence service and computer emergency response team detected a new strain of computer virus targeting computers at government agencies, perhaps indicating an imminent attack.

Smolii, Lavrenchuk among candidates to NBU governor post: Poroshenko ally

KYIV, Nov 17 – Acting NBU governor Yakiv Smolii and Board Chairman of Raiffeisen Bank Aval Volodymyr Lavrenchuk are among candidates to the post of the governor of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), Ihor Kononenko, First Deputy Head of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc, said.

Ukrainian investigators fear corruption probes could soon get buried

KIEV, Nov. 16 - Ukrainian investigators fear corruption probes could get buried because the national anti-corruption bureau will soon be flooded by thousands of old cases and recently passed legislation could further hobble their work, Reuters reported.

Saakashvili says ready to lead new govt

KYIV, Nov. 19 - Mikheil Saakashvili, the former governor of Ukraine’s Odesa region, told a protest rally in Kyiv that he is ready to “create a new government of Ukraine” and to become the country’s prime minister, RFE/RL reported.

EU provided EUR 12-bln to Ukraine over three years, Mingarelli says

KYIV, Nov 16 – Head of the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Ukraine Hugues Mingarelli said that in the past three years the EU has provided EUR 12 billion to Ukraine, including EUR 3.4 billion of marcofinancial assistance.

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