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Kiev and rebels agree to extend pullback

MINSK, July 21 - Ukraine and pro-Russian separatists have reached a preliminary agreement to extend a pull-back of weapons in east Ukraine to include tanks and smaller weapons systems, the chairman of the OSCE security watchdog, Ivica Dacic, said on Tuesday, Reuters reported.

Journalist bloodied in Donetsk incident

KIEV, July 21 – A journalist who has exposed traffic police brutality and corruption was attacked and severely beaten by two unknown assailants near his home in Donetsk on Sunday.

Cabinet of Ministers sends Parliament draft law on land market

KIEV, July 19 - The Cabinet of Ministers sent Parliament a draft law on the land market (No. 9001-1) on Tuesday.

According to the bill's explanatory note, the objectives of the document are to finalize the creation of market-oriented conditions for the involvement of agricultural land in the economy, to form a transparent land market with competition-based sales of farmland, and to ensure the collection of taxes and duties, particularly from land sales and rent, as well as state tax on transactions in the land market.

President calls on government to re-equip agricultural sector

KIEV, July 19 - Ukraine should in the nearest future complete a program to restore agricultural machinery production and reequip the agricultural sector, President Viktor Yanukovych said.

UN Development Program signs community development deal with Kiev

KIEV, July 19 – Head of Kiev Regional State Administration Anatoliy Prysiazhniuk and UN Development Program (UNDP) Resident Representative in Ukraine Olivier Adam signed in Kiev on Tuesday an agreement on the implementation of the second stage of a project of the European Union and the UNDP on local community-oriented development.

Tymoshenko owes over $405 million to Russians, according to prosecutor

KIEV, July 21 – Former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko owes over $405 million to Russian companies and the Russian Defense Ministry, First Deputy Prosecutor General Renat Kuzmin said.

Tymoshenko: My new lawyers need more time

KIEV, July 21 — Former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, on trial for ordering the signing of a controversial natural gas agreement with Russia in January 2009, said Thursday her lawyers need more time to examine the case.

Azarov says natural gas price hike needed to help Naftogaz

KIEV, July 21 – Prime Minister Mykola Azarov on Wednesday defended the scheduled hike in natural gas prices as a move that would help reduce huge gap in finances of state energy company Naftogaz Ukrayiny.

Premier admits weakening Ukraine’s defense by cutting army spending

KIEV, July 20 – Prime Minister Mykola Azarov on Tuesday admitted of weakening Ukraine’s defense systems by drastically reducing spending on the army. He said that spending on social programs remains intact.

Azarov praises $500 million Antonov aircraft contract with Russia

KIEV, July 21 – Prime Minister Mykola Azarov on Wednesday praised a $500 million contract for the purchase of twenty Antonov An-158 aircraft by Ilyushin Finance Co. of Russia as a "long-expected breakthrough."

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