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                        TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2024
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US won't change stance on Russian aggression, UN representative says

KIEV, March 21 – The U.S. won't exchange its stance on Russian aggression against Ukraine for progress on the Syrian issue, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Samantha Power said.

Amended lustration legislation registered in Ukraine parliament

KIEV, March 22 – A bill amending lustration legislation with remarks of the Venice Commission has been registered in parliament, said MP Leonid Yemets(People's Front faction), one of the authors of the bil.

UK foreign secretary calls on Russia to end Crimean occupation

KIEV, March 21 – UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond has condemned Russia's continued breach of international law and called on Russia to end its illegal actions and return Crimea to Ukraine.

Ukrainian-made missiles will be tested this week, Poroshenko announces

KIEV, March 22 – Ukraine-produced missiles will be tested this week, President Petro Poroshenko said.

"This week some types of domestic-produced missiles will be tested," he said during a meeting with military officers from the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kiev on Tuesday.

Ukrainian pilot receives 22-year sentence

KIEV, March 22 - In a controversial ruling set to exacerbate Moscow's feud with Kiev and the West, a Russian court on Tuesday sentenced Ukrainian military pilot Nadiya Savchenko to 22 years in prison over the killing of two journalists.

Ukraine asks western partners to help it seal border with Russia

KIEV, March 19 – Ukraine is asking its western partners to help it close the uncontrolled sections of the state border with Russia in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk has said.

Prime minister meets Polish counterpart during Brussels visit

KIEV, March 19 – Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk met with Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz during his working visit to Brussels on Thursday.

"During a meeting between the two prime ministers, they talked about common priorities in the context of preparations for discussing the situation in Ukraine at a European Council session.

European Council balks at recognition of Russia's Crimean annexation

BRUSSELS, March 20 – The European Council doesn't recognize the illegal annexation of Crimea, reads European Council Conclusions released in Brussels on Thursday evening.

Prez: Ukraine needs UN peacekeepers despite possible Moscow veto

KIEV, March 20 – The deployment of an EU police mission or a UN peacekeeping force to Ukraine is the exclusive prerogative of the Ukrainian state, President Petro Poroshenko stated.

Support for Donbas separatism weak in southeast, poll reports

KIEV, March 20- Most residents of the southeastern regions of Ukraine do not see Donbas outside of Ukraine, shows a poll conducted by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology on February 24-28.

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