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Government has promoted a ‘cluster of oligarchs,’ BYT leader says

KIEV, June 23 – The government over the first hundred days of its activities has done everything to divide the Ukrainian economy between "a cluster of oligarchs,” a prominent opposition leader charged Wednesday.

Ukrainian and Russian premiers to discuss oil transit in Moscow

KIEV, June 23 - Prime Minister Mykola Azarov will meet his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Monday for talks over oil transit and many other issues, he said Wednesday.

Regions said to benefit most from new Yanukovych electoral proposals

KIEV, June 23 – President Viktor Yanukovych will within days submit a bill to Parliament that would seek to change the country’s electoral system to the apparent benefit of his Regions Party.

Belarus pays off Gazprom in debt dispute

KIEV, June 23 – Belarus on Wednesday paid its outstanding debt for Russian natural gas supplies, narrowly averting a showdown that could have shut down about 20% of Gazprom’s gas exports to the European Union.

UkrTransNafta denies impact on Europe supplies of management dispute

KIEV, June 23 – Russian crude oil supplies to Europe via Ukrainian pipelines haven’t been affected by a management dispute at UkrTransNafta, the state-owned oil shipper, a company spokesman said Tuesday.

Rada OKs transport minister resignation, boosting pressure on govt

KIEV, June 23 – Parliament on Tuesday overwhelmingly supported the resignation of Transportation Minister Yosyp Vinskiy, increasing pressure on Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who has been unable to make new appointments due to lack of legislative support.

Ukraine, Poland and Belarus pledge to promote joint energy projects

KIEV, June 23 – Ukraine, Poland and Belarus on Tuesday pledged to create a regional alliance that would promote joint energy projects reducing dependence on Russian crude oil and natural gas supplies.

Rada votes for 2010 presidential election

KIEV, June 23 – Parliament voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to set the next presidential election on January 17, 2010, the only date that President Viktor Yushchenko had earlier defended as “constitutional.”

Ukraine hopes to step up trade with China, according to Tymoshenko

KIEV, June 22 – Ukraine hopes to step up its trade and economic cooperation with China, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said.

"We hope that our mutual relations will continue developing actively as well, but apart from that, we hope to step up cooperation concerning potential investment in Ukraine's economy by Chinese businessmen," she said at a meeting with Chinese delegates in Kiev on Monday.

Storm kills four in western Ukraine; government sends rescue team

LVIV, June 23 - A major storm killed four people Monday in western Ukraine and brought trees and power lines crashing to the ground, forcing the government to send teams of rescue workers to the area.

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