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Poroshenko and Nuland prepare for meeting with Obama in Warsaw

KIEV, June 23 – President Petro Poroshenko and United States Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland discussed in Kiev on Wednesday, June 22 the agenda of the forthcoming meeting of the Ukrainian president and U.S. President Barack Obama at the summit in Warsaw.

IMF, Finance Ministry and creditors set to meet in DC next week

WASHINGTON, June 23 – A meeting between Finance Ministry of Ukraine, the IMF and the Creditors' Committee on restructuring Ukraine's debt obligations will take place in Washington next week, June 29-July 3, the IMF reported.

French and German leaders complain of insufficient progress on Ukraine

PARIS, June 23 - French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel lamented the "insufficient" progress in resolving the Ukraine crisis after a telephone conversation Monday with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to a source close to the French president, AFP reported.

Kiev cries foul on Gazprom-Eustream deal

BRUSSELS, June 23 - Ukraine has appealed to the European Union over an agreement between Slovak pipeline operator Eustream and Russia's Gazprom that it says violates EU law in allowing Gazprom to prevent reverse flows back to Ukraine in a key pipeline, Reuters reported.

Kiev has yet to receive response on Yukos, Justice Ministry reports

KIEV, June 22 – The Ukrainian Justice Ministry has not received any query from Yukos concerning the ruling of a Belgian arbitration court in the Yukos Universal Limited lawsuit, Justice Minister Pavlo Petrenko has said.

NBU reserves growing but still inadequate, central bank governor says

NEW YORK, June 22 – The stabilization of the situation on the financial market and eliminating the imbalance of the current account has allowed the National Bank of Ukraine, while preserving the flexible exchange rate policy, to buy over the past four months $1 billion dollars for its net foreign exchange reserves, NBU Governor Valeriya Gontareva said.

Gas transit and storage system creation will kill bypasses, says PM

KIEV, June 20 – The creation of a company-operator of the Ukrainian gas transport system and underground storage facilities with the attraction of gas transport companies from member countries of the European Union and the United States will allow not only the modernization of the country's gas transport system and increase its capitalization, but also prevent the construction of bypass pipelines, according to Ukraine's prime minister.

38,000 have fled Crimea and east since start of fighting, UN reports

KIEV, June 20 - According to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 38,000 residents of the eastern regions of Ukraine and Crimea have left those regions since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine.

Russia poses threat to international order, says NATO chief

LONDON, June 23 - Russia's aggressive policy towards Ukraine undermines international order and poses a threat to NATO allies, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said.

Three former presidents write to Putin asking him to cease aggression

KIEV, June 23 - Former presidents Leonid Kravchuk, Leonid Kuchma and Viktor Yushchenko have written an open letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin urging him to to stop his aggression against Ukraine.

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Currencies (in hryvnias)
  27.09.2024 prev
USD 41.21 41.26
RUR 0.444 0.446
EUR 45.96 46.20

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  26.09.2024 prev
PFTS 507.0 507.0
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