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                        SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2024
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Big Board representatives to visit Kiev to explore cooperation

KIEV, Sept. 23 – Representatives of the New York Stock Exchange will soon visit Ukraine to develop joint means of cooperation, according to an agreement reached by President Viktor Yushchenko and NYSE Euronext CEO Duncan Niederauer.

Latest economy ministry move puts oil on list for restricted export

KIEV, Sept. 21 – The Economy Ministry has put oil on the list of goods, the re-export of which requires permission, in order to increase the volume of its refining at Ukrainian oil refineries, Economy Minister Anatoliy Kinakh told the press on Thursday.

Ukraine to spend $600 million from 2008 budget on Euro 2012

KIEV, Sept. 24 - Ukraine will spend around $600 million of its 2008 budget funds on preparations for the Euro 2012 soccer championship, deputy finance minister Sergei Rybak said Monday.

‘Real women don’t do U-terns,’ Tymoshenko tells Britains Iron Lady

LONDON, Sept. 24 – Ukraine’s former prime minister, Yulia Tymoshenko, flew into London last week to meet another former Prime Minister: Baroness Margaret Thatcher, with Tymoshenko vowing to drag her country kicking and screaming away from the Russian bear and into the European fold if she returns to office after elections next weekend, according to Times Online.

DPM assails defense minister’s NATO push

KIEV, Sept. 24 - Deputy Prime Minister Dmytro Tabachnyk on Monday condemned efforts by Defense Minister Anatoly Hrytsenko to have Ukraine join NATO and accused him of ignoring the Ukrainian people's interests while pushing for the accession.

EC president hails Ukrainians for natural gas storage measures

BRUSSELS, Sept. 21 ??“ The European Commission has praised the pace of natural gas pumping to Ukraine's underground facilities, saying it will make it possible to meet both the domestic demand and that of the EU for gas transit during the winter season.

Ukraine destroys 1,000 shoulder-filed missiles for NATO program

WASHINGTON, Oct. 22 ??“ The controlled destruction of 1,000 Ukrainian shoulder-fired missiles was completed on Sept. 20, the US State Department announced on Friday.

Yushchenko threatens to use powers to suspend govt economic decisions

KIEV, Sept. 22 ??“ President Viktor Yushchenko on Friday threatened to use his constitutional powers to suspend at least one economic decision recently approved by the government unless he sees more cooperation between the authorities.

Russia pleased by PM??™s NATO postponement

KIEV, Sept. 22 ??“ Russia was pleased by Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych??™s pledge to postpone Ukraine??™s accession to NATO, but more must be done to secure a natural gas deal, a newspaper reported Saturday, citing sources.

Turkey reaffirms its support for Ukraine’s integrity and sovereignty

KYIV, Aug 23 – Turkey continues to support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said in a video address to the Third Summit of the Crimea Platform on Wednesday.

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Currencies (in hryvnias)
  27.09.2024 prev
USD 41.21 41.26
RUR 0.444 0.446
EUR 45.96 46.20

Stock Market
  26.09.2024 prev
PFTS 507.0 507.0
source: PFTS


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