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                        FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2024
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Ukraine looking for support on pipeline

KIEV, Nov. 24 ??“ Ukraine on Thursday sought to secure support from Poland and Slovakia for a project that would enable imports of Caspian Sea crude oil to Europe via Ukrainian territory. President Yushchenko said both countries agreed to go ahead with building a Brody-Plock pipeline to handle the imports.

Fradkov, after abrupt cancellation, visiting for gas talks next month

KIEV, Nov. 24 - Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov, who unexpectedly cancelled his trip to Kiev earlier this week, will visit Ukraine for natural gas talks in December, Viktor Chernomyrdin, Russian ambassador to Ukraine, said Thursday.

Three Russian oil tankers detained by Ukrainian border patrol boats

KIEV, Nov. 24 - Three Russian oil tankers were detained by Ukrainian border patrol boats Wednesday for illegally crossing the border in the area between the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, border service reported Thursday.

Natural gas exports to Europe to decline about 40% this year

KIEV, Nov. 24 - Ukraine??™s natural gas exports to Europe will probably fall about 40% on the year in 2005 due to a three-month ban on gas exports imposed earlier this year, an official said Thursday.

Former military frequency allocated to 3G communications network

KIEV, Nov. 24 ??“ The government has reallocated a frequency until recently used by military agencies for use by 3G communications networks, Transport and Communications Minister Viktor Bondar announced.

Russia openly challenging U.S., E.U. over Ukrainian election

NEW YORK, Nov. 23 ??“ Russia??™s open challenge of the Unites States and the European Union over the Ukrainian presidential election is likely to provoke major tensions, analysts said.

Watchdog: At least 2.8 million ballots were rigged in favor of PM

KIEV, Nov. 23 ??“ At least 2.8 million ballots were rigged by the authorities in favor of Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, making it the biggest election fraud in the country??™s short history since independence, an election watchdog said Tuesday.

Yushchenko declares himself president; 1 army regiment said to defect

KIEV, Nov. 23 ??“ Viktor Yushchenko, democratic opposition leader, declared himself the president of Ukraine on Tuesday to the cheers of hundreds of thousands of protesters that had taken to the streets across the country.

NATO chief summons ambassador, voices alliance ???deep concern??™

BRUSSELS, Nov. 24 - The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) voiced deep concern at the crisis in Ukraine, and urged restraint from all sides amid protests over contested election results, Deutsche Welle reported Wednesday.

State Department issues civil unrest warning to U.S. citizens

WASHINGTON, Nov. 24 - The U.S. Department of State is alerting U.S. citizens to the potential for civil unrest in Ukraine, following that country's disputed presidential elections, The Associated Press reported Wednesday.

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USD 41.21 41.26
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