KYIV, April 25 – Gazprom on Wednesday threatened to build a third direct natural gas pipeline from Russia across the Baltic Sea to Germany that would completely eliminate Ukraine’s gas transit operation.
KYIV, April 24 - The number of incidents with Ukrainian civil aircraft in January-March grew by 44% compared to the same period in 2017, from nine to 13 cases, the National Bureau of Air Accidents Investigation reported.
KIEV, April 24 - It is important for the International Monetary Fund that the leadership of the National Bank of Ukraine remain professionally independent, IMF Resident Representative in Ukraine Jerome Vacher said following the resignation of NBU Governor Valeriya Gontareva under pressure.
WASHINGTON, April 25 – The 2018 budget proposed by the U.S. Department of State in March provides for the reduction in international aid to Ukraine by 68.8%, according to the Voice of America.
KIEV, April 24 - Russia opposed Ukraine’s latest call for international peacekeeping troops to be deployed in eastern Ukraine after a U.S. citizen was killed by a blast in militant-held land, Newsweek reported.
MOSCOW, April 25 - Russia will begin supplying electricity to separatist-controlled areas after the Ukrainian government cut off power because of a heavy backlog of unpaid bills, the Associated Press reported.
BUCHAREST, April 25 – Ukraine and Romania have renewed the composition of the joint presidential commission, which is to meet in Kiev soon, and deal with disputes between the two countries and protection of minorities.
KIEV, April 25 – A safe confinement with a protection arch to be placed over the power unit N4 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, which was demolished as the result of the disaster 30 years ago, is due to be completed in November 2016, said Ihor Hramotkin, director general of the Chernobyl plant.
WARSAW, April 25 - Ukraine needs to break apart monopolies and sell off state-owned firms to transform itself into a well-functioning capitalist economy, a newly-appointed Polish adviser to the Ukrainian president said on Monday, Reuters reported.
KIEV, April 25 - Ukraine prepared on Tuesday to mark the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, which permanently poisoned swathes of eastern Europe and highlighted the shortcomings of the secretive Soviet system.