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                        FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2024
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Obama calls Ukrainian election 'important step forward' for country

WASHINGTON, May 25 - President Barack Obama suggested on Sunday that Ukraine's election may help unify the country, but analysts said that would depend largely on Moscow's influence and Kiev's ability to deal with daunting domestic challenges, Reuters reported.

Poroshenko headed to first-round victory

KIEV, May 25 - Petro Poroshenko, a billionaire chocolate manufacturer, claimed the Ukrainian presidency with an emphatic election victory on Sunday, taking on a fraught mission to quell pro-Russian rebels and steer his fragile nation closer to the West.

NATO commander confirms movement of some Russian troops from border

BRUSSELS, May 22 – NATO Supreme Allied Commander in Europe General Philip Breedlove said the alliance is seeing "some movement" of Russian troops on the Ukraine border, but its significance is unclear.

Luhansk People's Republic leaders declare martial law in region

LUHANSK, May 22 – Stores selling goods other than food were closing, public sector employees were put on a shorter day, and public transportation went over to shorter hours on territory controlled by the "Luhansk People's Republic" as the leadership of the unilaterally proclaimed state declared "martial law" and "full mobilization" on Thursday.

Cabinet plans June 1 meeting to set utility tariffs, PM says

KIEV, May 25 – A cabinet meeting scheduled for June 1 will be devoted to setting tariffs in the utility service sphere, a sensitive issue as it reflects growing natural gas prices, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said.

Ukraine to inject more capital in state-owned Naftogaz Ukrayiny

KIEV, May 25 – The government plans to increase capital of state energy company, Naftogaz Ukrayiny, by 8.3% to 45.8 billion hryvnias, a move that may be aimed at rescuing the company from bankruptcy.

The government over the past two years has repeatedly resorted to injecting state capital into the company over the pasr two years, underscoring the company’s difficulties to pay for Russian gas imports.

Ukraine removes grain export quotas, easing wheat market concerns

KIEV, May 25 - Ukraine, one of the world’s top grain exporters, has removed grain export quotas that have helped drive up global food prices and hit domestic agribusinesses hard.

Russia to redirect 20% of its EU gas supplies bypassing Ukraine

MOSCOW, May 25 – Russia plans to redirect 20% of the gas it transports through Ukraine to the new Nord Stream pipeline, a move that may deprive Ukraine $700 million in annual transit revenues.

Yanukovych reiterates EU free trade plans

KIEV, May 25 - President Viktor Yanukovych on Wednesday reiterated plans of signing a free trade agreement with the European Union this year, a choice that may eventually complicate relations with Russia.

President signs new amendments to Ukraine money laundering law

KIEV, May 25 – President Viktor Yanukovych has signed new wording of the law on amendments to some Ukrainian laws preventing money laundering and financing terrorism.

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USD 41.37 41.36
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