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                        WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2024
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Ukraine may get break on Russian gas contract soon, says PM

KIEV, Nov. 25 - Ukraine continues to insist on the revision of extremely disadvantageous gas contracts with Russia signed in 2009 and Moscow has recently eased its stance on the issue, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said.

EU assistance offer 'a pittance to a beggar,' prime minister says

KIEV, Nov. 25 - The financial assistance offered by the European Union to Ukraine in the amount of 1 billion euro after the signing of the Association Agreement would be extremely small, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said.

EU door still open for Ukraine, enlargement commissioner says

BRUSSELS, Nov. 25 - An Association Agreement could still be signed at the upcoming Ukraine-EU summit, European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy Stefan Fule said.

Ukraine will face challenges issuing eurobonds this year, analysts say

KIEV, Nov. 25 – The situation on the foreign debt market and domestic problems of Ukraine will restrict the opportunities of the country and Ukrainian issuers in the placement of eurobonds through the end of 2013, investment experts said. on November 21, 2013.

Thousands take to street over EU decision

KIEV, Nov. 25 - Thousands of Ukrainians took part in scattered protests across the country Monday amid simmering anger over President Viktor Yanukovych's decision to abandon a planned trade pact with the European Union and focus instead on ties with Russia.

Yanukovych to make official visits to UAE and Qatar this week

KIEV, Nov. 22 – President Viktor Yanukovych will make official visits to the United Arab Emirates and Qatar on November 25-28, according to presidential adviser Andriy Honcharuk.

Ukraine will further cut Russian natgas imports, president promises

KIEV, Nov. 25 – Following the collapse of recent natural gas price talks in Moscow, Ukraine said it will further cut imports of gas from Russia, replacing it with energy imported from elsewhere.

Opposition boycotts meeting with Azarov

KIEV, Nov. 25 – Leaders of opposition groups Friday boycotted a meeting with Prime Minister Mykola Azarov, signaling that work of newly elected Parliament may be disrupted as the government faces looming fiscal and currency crises.

Ukraine and Egypt to discuss LNG supply to planned Ukraine terminal

KIEV, Nov. 25 - Ukraine and Egypt will discuss supplies of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to a terminal that is expected to be built in Ukraine, the government’s press service reported.

Presidential staff talking to protestors

KIEV, Nov. 25 – President Viktor Yanukovych’s administration on Thursday joined talks with protesters after their meeting with the government on Wednesday failed to produce tangible results.

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