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                        WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2024
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Citing fear of aggression, Poroshenko tightens nuclear plant security

KIEV, April 26 – Ukraine has tightened security measures at its nuclear power plants because of fear of Russian aggression and the failure of the security guarantees granted under the Budapest Memorandum in exchange for giving up its nuclear arsenal, President Petro Poroshenko said.

TV talk show host goes on hunger strike

KIEV, April 26 - A prominent TV talk show host in Ukraine declared on Tuesday he was going on hunger strike in protest over a decision by state authorities to strip him of his work permit, a move he described as politically motivated, Reuters reported.

36% of households received energy help this winter, official says

KIEV, April 25 - The recipients of energy subsidies in the past heating season rose to 5.5 million Ukrainian households, or 36% of their total number, said Vitaliy Muzychenko, the head of the state social assistance department at the Social Policy Ministry.

Radical Party leader calls for probe of Poroshenko MAZ truck deals

KIEV, April 26 – Radical Party Oleh Liashko has urged the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and the Security Service of Ukraine to launch a probe into abuse of power by President Petro Poroshenko and his associates during the purchase of MAZ trucks assembled by a plant of Bogdan Corporation belonging to the president, instead of Ukrainian-made KrAZ trucks.

Ukraine public opinion shifting towards NATO membership, poll shows

KIEV, April 24 – The public opinion of Ukrainian towards joining NATO is slowly getting more positive, and the number of supporters of joining NATO has already exceeded the number of those opposing the idea, according to the results of the poll conducted by the Razumkov Center.

Chernobyl shelter donor conference to be held in London on April 29

KIEV, April 24 – The assembly of donor countries, the highest decision making authority of the Chernobyl Shelter Fund, and a fund raising conference are scheduled to be held on April 29 in London, MP Mykola Tomenko (Petro Poroshenko Bloc) told parliament.

Poroshenko OKs decree on yearlong cooperation program with NATO

KIEV, April 24 – President Petro Poroshenko has approved a decree on the Ukraine-NATO national yearlong cooperation program for 2015, president's press service reported.

Ceasefire comes under increasing pressure

KIEV, April 26 - A fragile ceasefire between Ukrainian government forces and pro-Russian separatists came under renewed pressure on Sunday with the Ukrainian military reporting a serviceman had been killed and seven others wounded in rebel attacks, Reuters reported.

Brussels gives Kiev another warning on Tymoshenko situation

BRUSSELS, April 26 – Brussels has warned Kiev once again that the signature and ratification of the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement depend on certain political circumstances including the situation with former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.

New Chernobyl confinement facility launched at cost of EUR1 billion

KIEV, April 26 - Ukraine on Thursday launched construction of a EUR1 billion new safe confinement over the damaged reactor No. 4 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant to make it environmentally friendly.

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