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                        MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
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Kiev accuses Moscow of another incursion

KIEV, Aug. 27 - Ukraine accused Russia of launching a new military incursion across its eastern border on Wednesday, as hopes quickly faded that Tuesday's talks between their two presidents might mark a turning point in a five-month-old crisis, Reuters reported.

Ukraine can't cooperate with EU and Customs Union, says Russian DPM

GORKI, Aug. 27 - It would be pointless to continue talks on the prospects for Ukraine's simultaneous membership of the Free Trade Zone with the European Union and the Customs Union, First Deputy Russian Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov said.

Putin aide: Ukraine will lose sovereignty if it signs EU deal

MOSCOW, Aug. 27 - Ukraine will stop being Russia's strategic partner and will virtually lose the status of subject of international law following the signing of the Association Agreement with the European Union, Russian presidential aide Sergei Glazyev said.

Topless protest group accuses cops of planting explosives at their HQ

KIEV, Aug. 27 - Ukrainian topless feminist group Femen accused the police of planting explosives and a gun during a raid on their headquarters in Kiev headquarters on Tuesday in a bid to close their organization down.

Ukraine asks Gazprom for $2 billion loan

KIEV, Aug. 27 – Ukraine asked Russia's Gazprom for a $2 billion loan to buy an extra amount of natural gas during the next two months for winter storage, a newspaper reported, citing a source.

SBU detains two Zakarpattians suspected in cigarette tunnel scheme

KIEV, Aug. 23 – Employees of the Security Service (SBU) have detained two residents of Zakarpattia region that are suspected of being involved in the construction and work of an underground tunnel across the Ukrainian-Slovak border, which was used for cigarette smuggling.

Broadcasting group faults National Geographic channel for alcohol ads

KIEV, Aug. 23 – The National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting has recognized National Geographic as a channel that does not meet the requirements of the European Convention on Transfrontier Television and Ukrainian laws.

Yanukovych tells countries not to interfere in Ukrainian affairs

KIEV, Aug. 27 - Ukraine stays true to its European choice, but integration into the European space should not take place through interference in the country's internal affairs, President Viktor Yanukovych said.

Regions support grows after language law

KIEV, Aug. 27 – Support for the ruling Regions Party increased in August after the approval of legislation allowing wider use of the Russian language across Ukraine, an opinion poll shows.

Yushchenko rep: State nuclear fuel programs aren’t being fulfilled

KIEV, Aug. 27 – State programs on creation of the nuclear fuel cycle in Ukraine and development of the country’s own uranium production are not being fulfilled, according to Bohdan Sokolovsky, President Viktor Yuschenko's representative for international energy security issues.

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