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                        SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2024
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New gas deal with Slovakia provides for up to 8 bcm of annual imports

KIEV, April 28 - Ukraine will be able to import up to 8 billion cubic meters of gas annually from Europe via Slovakia following a deal signed on Monday, Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk said.

US imposes new sanctions on Putin allies

WASHINGTON, April 28 - The United States imposed new sanctions on allies of Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, prompting Moscow to denounce "Cold War" tactics amid more violence in eastern Ukraine, Reuters reported.

Boyko holds talks in Astana on expansion of Customs Union cooperation

KIEV, April 25 - Deputy Prime Minister Yuriy Boyko, who was recently appointed the new head of the working group on cooperation with the Customs Union, held talks in Astana on April 24 with Kazak Prime Minister Serik Akhmetov and his deputy, Kairat Kelimbetov, to discuss the expansion of Ukraine's cooperation with the Customs Union countries.

National broadcasting regulator not ready to intervene in TVi dispute

KIEV, April 25 – The National Television and Radio Broadcasting Council said it will intervene in the dispute which has halted operation of TVi channel only if the company asks the regulator to do so.

Yanukovych demands government work on environmental monitoring system

KIEV, April 25 - President Viktor Yanukovych has demanded that the government intensify work to create a comprehensive system of environmental monitoring.

Ex-Polish PM says he hopes for 'positive news' from Kiev soon

BRUSSELS, April 26 – Former president of the European Parliament, ex-premier of Poland and current member of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek (the European People's Party) said he hopes to hear more positive news from Ukraine soon which will allow Kiev and Brussels to sign an association agreement.

Clemency commission rejects ex-PM pardon

KIEV, April 27 – The commission in matters of clemency under President Viktor Yanukovych on Saturday found no reasons for pardoning jailed opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko, the presidential press service reported.

Firtash denies knowledge of lawsuit filed in US by Tymoshenko

KIEV, April 28 – The co-founder of Swiss-registered gas trader RosUkrEnergo (RUE), Dmytro Firtash, says he has not received any documents from the U.S. courts in connection with a lawsuit allegedly filed against him by former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko concerning a dispute in a Stockholm court between RUE and Naftogaz Ukrainy.

Ukraine and Azerbaijan discuss supplying LNG to Europe markets

BAKU, April 28 - Ukraine and Azerbaijan on Thursday began consultations seeking to join forces in setting up supplies of liquefied natural gas to markets in Europe.

President Viktor Yanukovych, who sees LNG supplies as a priority project over the next five years, traveled to Baku for a meeting with his Azeri counterpart Ilkham Aliyev to begin the consultations.

Negotiations to amend 10 year natural gas deal start with Russians

MOSCOW, April 28 - Ukraine and Russia on Thursday began formal negotiations aimed at amending the 10-year natural gas supply agreement signed in 2009 in response to Kiev’s
persistent demands for lower natural gas prices.

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