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                        SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2024
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Cabinet decides to cancel many home construction taxes and duties

KIEV, Aug. 28 – Ukraine's cabinet has decided to cancel a number of taxes and duties, halving the production cost of housing construction, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko told the press.

Tymoshenko to support suspension of railway and port fee increases

KIEV, Aug. 28 – Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko plans to support proposals by Ukrainian metals and mining companies to stabilize the situation in the industry, including suspension of tariff increases.

Tensions with Russians lower stocks, widen Ukrainian debt spreads

KIEV, Aug. 28 - Ukrainian debt spreads widened and stocks fell on Thursday amid growing investor concerns that tensions with Russia may escalate and hurt the economy.

Ukraine's portion of the sovereign debt benchmark was 4 basis points wider, in contrast to the overall index which narrowed 5 basis points at 305 basis points over U.S. Treasuries, Reuters reported.

Diplomat: EU meet to send Russia message

BRUSSELS, Aug. 28 – The upcoming European Union-Ukraine summit next month will be crucial in sending a message to Russia that its assertive policy will not be tolerated, a senior Ukrainian diplomat said Thursday.

Ukraine should minimize 2008 deficit, president tells diplomats

KIEV, Aug. 27 – The deficit of the draft 2008 state budget should be cut to the minimum, Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko told foreign diplomats in Kiev on Monday.

Ahead of election, two top parties call for increased coal production

KIEV, Aug. 28 - Ukraine’s two leading political parties ahead of the Sept. 30 election called for increasing domestic production of coal in order to reduce dependence on energy imports from Russia.

Pora registration irks Yushchenko bloc

KIEV, Aug. 28 – The Central Election Commission, dominated by Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych’s loyalists, moved Tuesday to register for the Sept. 30 election a small party that had been previously part of President Viktor Yushchenko’s bloc.

Ukraine prepares for steep gas price hike

KIEV, Aug. 28 ??“ Ukraine has been preparing for at least a 42% hike in natural gas prices next year during on-going talks with Russia, First Deputy Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said.

Kuchma ally, accused of embezzlement, obtains Russian citizenship

KIEV, Aug. 26 - Ihor Bakay, a close confidant of former President Leonid Kuchma accused of embezzling 800 million hryvnias in state property, was granted Russian citizenship and cannot be extradited to Ukraine, prosecutors said.

Yushchenko cites CES documents on zone

KIEV, Aug. 28 - President Viktor Yushchenko cited founding documents of the Common Economic Space, a bloc that also includes Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, to defend establishing a free trade agreement between the four.

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Currencies (in hryvnias)
  20.09.2024 prev
USD 41.44 41.41
RUR 0.446 0.454
EUR 46.24 46.12

Stock Market
  19.09.2024 prev
PFTS 507.0 507.0
source: PFTS


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