KIEV, May 29 – Ukraine’s Antimonopoly Committee has ordered eight large fuel market players in the country to reduce prices of A-95 gasoline in the short term.
The committee said that the recommendation to reduce prices of gasoline to the level that would have been if there were competition on the market were sent to Lukoil Ukraine, public joint-stock company Galnaftogaz Concern, private enterprise Okko naftoproduct, Kontinium-Galychyna Trade House LLC, Kontinent Nafto Trade LLC, UTN Vostok LLC, Alliance Holding LLC and Kersher JV LLC.
According to the committee, today there are no biased economic grounds for growth and retaining of prices of A-95 gasoline at the present level. In the period from April 2 to May 10, 2012 the price of crude oil fell by 12%, while the Platts index fell by 18.8%, while the prices at Ukrainian filling stations of the above-mentioned operators grew by 3%.