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Watchdog criticizes SBU chief TV control
Journal Staff Report

KIEV, July 20 – An international media watchdog said Tuesday it was “absolutely unacceptable” for the chief of Ukraine’s SBU security service to also lead and command a major television group in the country.

Jean-François Julliard, the secretary general of the Paris-based Reporters Without Borders, is in Kiev on a mission to investigate complaints that the authorities have been putting pressure on media.

Julliard singled out Valeriy Khoroshovskiy, the SBU chief who combines his job with the job as the top executive at Inter media group, which includes Ukraine’s most popular television channel.

“This is a real conflict of interests,” Julliard said in an interview with Channel 5 television late Tuesday. “It’s impossible for the security service chief to be the head of a media holding. And, as we are told, he is the head of many channels. This is absolutely unacceptable.”

Khoroshkovskiy was alleged to have played a role in attacking earlier this year the interests of two independent television channels, Channel 5 and TVi, leading to the cancellation of their licenses to use frequencies for expansion in regions.

The licenses were canceled after Inter had submitted a lawsuit, and won in a court. Khoroshkovskiy, as a member of special legal panel, also has a major influence on the court system because he has the power of suggesting dismissal of certain judges.

The attack last month on Channel 5 and TVi, known for their unbiased coverage of news and politics, came three months after Viktor Yanukovych has won the presidency in February.

Along with other attacks on journalists over the past four months, the cases underscore concerns with the freedom of speech that may be a sign of restricting democracy in Ukraine.

Julliard, who heads the organization known for advocating the freedom of speech and defending the rights of journalists, is in Ukraine to meet people from media outlets and the authorities.

However, his meeting with the Ukrainian president never materialized because Yanukovych had taken a 46-day vacation in Crimea beginning on July 9, and is not expected in Kiev until August 24.

“Unfortunately, they explained to us at the presidential administration that Viktor Yanukovych cannot meet us until the month of August,” Julliard said. “We’re waiting for August. As soon as we have the date confirmed, we’ll have the meeting with Mr. Yanukovych.”

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met Yanukovych on July 3 and told him the authorities must respect and promote the freedom of speech.

Julliard said it was instrumental for the president to promote the freedom of speech in order to improve the situation.

“There are certain people that must change the situation. It’s President Yanukovych,” Julliard said. “If he doesn’t have the true willingness to protect the freedom of speech, then it’s hard to do.” (tl/ez)

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