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                        SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2024
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United Mining-Chemical Company in turmoil amid management chaos

KYIV, April 28 – Vilnohirsk state mining and metallurgical combine (Dnipropetrovsk region) and Irshansk state mining and processing combine (Zhytomyr region), incorporated in United Mining-Chemical Company, have claimed the absence of operational guidance by the head office, threatening a failure to comply with international obligations and large fines.

Mironivsky Hliboproduct repays $234 million of notes maturing in 2015

KIEV, April 29 – Mironivsky Hliboproduct (MHP) agroholding has repaid $234 million on its loan participation notes maturing in 2015.

"10.25% Senior Notes due 29 April 2015 in amount of $234 million are paid using syndicated loan facility of IFC (International Finance Corporation), a member of World Bank Group, which provided MHP with $200 million ($175 million from IFC and $25 million from ING), and the company's cash from operations," MHP announced in a statement published by the London Stock Exchange.

Fitch assigns 'Restricted Default' rating to State Import-Export Bank

KIEV, April 29 - Fitch Ratings has downgraded the State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine's (Ukreximbank) foreign currency Issuer Default Ratings to 'RD' (Restricted Default) from 'C', and affirmed the bank's foreign currency senior unsecured and subordinated debt ratings at 'C'.

91.1% of DTEK note holders approve company's restructuring proposals

KIEV, April 29 – Holders of $200 million in Ukrainian privately owned energy holding DTEK's loan participation notes maturing on April 28, 2015, have approved the restructuring of the securities according to an alternative scheme of arrangement, DTEK announced in an official statement.

EBRD to 'backload' its Ukraine spending

LONDON, April 29 - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will "backload" its spending in Ukraine this year, its president said on Wednesday, and probably would not resume lending to Russia any time soon, Reuters reported.

Roshen Corp. opens new dairy and canning plant in Vinnytsia

KIEV, April 28 – The Roshen Corporation has opened a new dairy and canning plant in Vinnytsia.

Company owner and Ukrainian presidential candidate Petro Poroshenko said during the opening ceremony on April 25 that the plant will produce butter and powder milk for the needs of confectionary industry.

Russians stop shipment of Ukrainian poultry headed for Uzbekistan

KIEV, April 29 – Inspectors of the Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) at Gukovo checkpoint stopped wagons with chicken meat from Myronivska Poultry Farm, part of Myronivsky Hliboproduct agroindustrial group (MHP), which were sent from Ukraine to Uzbekistan.

Canadians slap sanction on nine more Russians, two Russian banks

WASHINGTON, April 29 – The Canadian authorities on Monday decided to impose new economic sanctions on nine additional Russian individuals and two Russian banks, according to a posting on the Web site of Canada's CTV News.

Commission won't launch probe of imports of fuel from Belarus

KIEV, April 26 – The interagency commission for international trade will not conduct an investigation into imports of fuel from Belarus to Ukraine, a source on the market reported.

Russians planning to implement Air Launch spaceplane project in 2020s

MOSCOW, April 26 – Russia's Foundation for Advanced Studies is planning to implement the Air Launch project in the 2020s – the launch of an orbital spaceplane from a super-heavy transport aircraft, according to a report of the public council of the Russian government's military-industrial commission, which was released at a meeting of the council in the State Duma on April 23.

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USD 41.44 41.41
RUR 0.446 0.454
EUR 46.24 46.12

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PFTS 507.0 507.0
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