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                        WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2024
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Ukraine’s growing gasoline prices come in line with world market trends

KYIV, Oct 18 – Ukraine’s growing gasoline prices come in line with world market trends and are not associated with violation of antimonopoly legislation, Valeriy Poliukhovych, the state commissioner of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMC), said.

DTEK Energy signs contract with GE on 200-MW wind farm

KYIV, Oct 18 – DTEK Energy Holding has signed a second contract with U.S. General Electric to supply equipment for Prymorska wind farm with a total capacity of 200 MW, the press service of the holding has reported.

Sberbank seeks new buyer for its Ukrainian bank, official says

SOCHI, Oct 18 - Sberbank will seek a new buyer for its Ukrainian subsidiary bank since Belarus' Paritetbank was not acceptable for the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), Sberbank first deputy head Lev Khasis told journalists on the sidelines of the Finopolis 2018 Forum in Sochi.

Ukraine’s gross soybean output may increase 10% on yr in 2018

KYIV, Oct 19 – Gross production of soybeans in Ukraine in 2018 could be 4.2-4.3 million tons, which is 10% more than in 2017, Regional Director of the Donau Soja Association Oksana Prosolenko has said.

South-Ukrainian NPP improves safety after tests following Fukushima

KYIV, Oct 19 – South Ukrainian nuclear power plant (NPP) has completed the implementation of actions to boost safety at reactor one under the action plan launched in 2011 after stress tests conducted after the Fukushima NPP disaster (Japan), the company's press service has reported.

EnergoAtom holds tenders to expand use of Westinghouse fuel

KIEV, Oct. 19 – EnergoAtom has announced it has held tenders to expand its exploitation of nuclear fuel made by Westinghouse at Zaporizhia nuclear power plant (NPP).

Myronivsky Hliboproduct reports 4% increase in poultry sales

KIEV, Oct. 20 – Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHP) sold 150,260 tons of poultry to third parties in July-September 2015, which is 4% up year-over-year, the company said in a report on the website of the London Stock Exchange (LSE).

EnergoAtom spends $567 million to improve nuclear power unit safety

KIEV, Oct. 20 - EnergoAtom has already spent $567 million of its own funds on the integrated (consolidated) program to improve the safety of power units at Ukrainian nuclear power plants, Hryhoriy Plachkov, the deputy director for investment and long-term development at the state enterprise, told reporters.

Metals companies ask PM for faster action on scrap export tax

KIEV, Oct. 20 – The heads of metallurgical enterprises and groups in Ukraine have appealed to Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk asking him to speed up the introduction of regulations for the introduction of the export tax on scrap metal to ensure that domestic companies are provided with raw materials.

Naftogaz Ukrayiny urges Slovakia's Eurstream to boost capacity

KIEV, Oct. 21 - Ukraine’s national energy company Naftogaz Ukrayiny urged Slovakian gas shipper Eurstream to work together to increase capacity for imports of European gas to Ukraine, the company reported Tuesday.

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Currencies (in hryvnias)
  01.10.2024 prev
USD 41.22 41.17
RUR 0.443 0.443
EUR 46.15 45.95

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  30.09.2024 prev
PFTS 507.0 507.0
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