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Ukraine to focus on Turkish, Belarusian transit sea cargo flows for growth

KYIV, Feb 22 – Ukraine should focus on Turkish and Belarusian transit sea cargo flows to implement a cargo flow growth strategy, Head of the Ukrainian Sea Port Authority Raivis Veckagans said.

Kyivstar to buy two 4G lots for the 1800 MHz frequencies spectrum: Chernyshov

KYIV, Feb 22 – The leading Ukrainian mobile communications operator Kyivstar plans to buy two out of three additional lots at the 4G auction for the 1800 MHz frequencies spectrum, Kyivstar President Peter Chernyshov said.

Ukraine replaces part of light roof in Chornobyl nuclear power plant

KYIV, Feb 22 – A part of light roof of the turbine island of reactor No. 4 of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant has been dismantled for allowing firefighting systems to operate properly, the press service of the Chornobyl NPP state-owned specialized enterprise reported.

Share of non-performing loans shrinks to 55.75%, NBU reports

KYIV, Feb 22 - The share of non-performing loans (NPL) in the total volume of loans in Ukraine as of late December 2017 was 55.75% compared with 56.4% as of late September and 57.7% as of late June, according to a survey of the National Bank of Ukraine published Wednesday.

Kiev business court upholds UAH172 billion Gazprom judgment

KIEV, Feb. 23 – Kiev's business court of appeals on Wednesday upheld the decision of the court of a lower instance to collect a fine of UAH 172 billion from Russia's Gazprom for abuse of monopoly.

GfK Ukraine: Consumer sentiment index fell 3.4 points in January

KIEV, Feb. 21 - The consumer sentiment index in Ukraine in January 2017 decreased by 3.4 points compared with December 2016, to 53.7 (on a scale from 0 to 200), according to a monthly survey by GfK Ukraine.

Naftogaz to receive 4 LOCs this week under $500 million loan

KIEV, Feb. 22 – Naftogaz Ukrayiny by the end of this week will receive its first four letters of credit as part of a $500 million loan, Ukrainian Citibank Chairman Steven Fisher.

Government to buy UAH9.8 billion of bonds to capitalize PrivatBank

KIEV, Feb. 22 – Ukraine's Cabinet of Ministers has instructed the Finance Ministry to buy indexed government domestic loan bonds worth UAH 9.8 billion, or US$363 million, to complete additional capitalization of Dnipro-based PrivatBank, which was nationalized late in 2016, the government announced on its website.

Phantom multipurpose vehicle among top 5 inventions at IDEX 2017

KIEV, Feb. 23 – One of the top vehicles of the state-run enterprise Spetstechnoexport (part of the state-run Ukroboronprom concern) is the Phantom unmanned tactical multipurpose vehicle. Phantom was among the top five inventions at IDEX 2017 – the International Defence Exhibition in the United Arab Emirates and its success shows the high level of interest in Ukrainian military equipment, according to President Petro Poroshenko.

Goldman Sachs warns of capital outflow, currency depreciation

KIEV, Feb. 22 - The continued lack of confidence in the political regime in Ukraine could trigger a new wave of capital outflow from the country and the weakening of the national currency exchange rate by the middle of this year, to UAH 30/$1, analysts of Goldman Sachs investment bank consider.

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Currencies (in hryvnias)
  27.09.2024 prev
USD 41.21 41.26
RUR 0.444 0.446
EUR 45.96 46.20

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  26.09.2024 prev
PFTS 507.0 507.0
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