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                        MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2024
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More Ukrainian businesses economically benefiting from EU free trade deal

KYIV, Nov 23 – Some 39.3% of Ukrainian businesses, the largest share in four years, said they benefited in some way from Ukraine joining the Association Agreement with the European Union, according to a poll by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting.

Owners of illegally imported clunkers protest new tax legislation

KYIV, Nov 20 – Thousands of Ukrainian motorists that own illegally imported European-registered clunkers are protesting legislation that requires them to pay tax and legalize registration in the country.

Ireland’s Ryanair plans to launch five new flights from Ukraine in 2019

KYIV, Nov 20 – The Irish low cost airline Ryanair plans to launch five new flights from Ukraine in 2019, chief commercial officer David O'Brien has said at a press conference at the Ministry of Infrastructure.

Westinghouse delivers thousandth fuel assembly for VVER-1000 type reactors to Ukraine

KYIV, Nov 20 – Westinghouse has delivered the thousandth fuel assembly for VVER-1000 type reactors to Ukraine, which will be installed at the Yuzhnoukrainsk nuclear power plant (NPP) in a WR fuel assembly reloading batch, the press service of National Nuclear Generating Company Energoatom has reported.

Ukrainian oil, gas industry faces shocks due to royalties increases

KYIV, Nov 20 - The work of Ukrainian enterprises in the oil and gas industry could be destabilized due to the increase in royalties for subsoil use for oil production, experts from the European Business Association said.

Ireland's Ryanair views Ukraine as top three IT development countries

KYIV, Nov 21 – Ireland's low cost airline Ryanair is considering Ukraine as the top three promising countries for development of an IT hub in 2019, Ryanair Chief Commercial Officer David O'Brien said at a press conference in the Infrastructure Ministry of Ukraine on Tuesday.

Ukrainian housing, utilities subsidies drop 66.7% on year in Jan-Oct

KYIV, Nov 21 - Subsidies intended to compensate household expenses for housing and utilities services in Ukraine in January-October 2018 amounted to UAH 1.164 billion, which is 66.7% or UAH 2.328 billion less than in January-October 2017.

Naftogaz hires Yorktown Solutions to lobby for interests in U.S.

KYIV, Nov 22 – Naftogaz Ukrainy hired Yorktown Solutions to lobby for Ukrainian gas interests in the United States, the press service of Naftogaz reported.

Ukraine seeks to increase gas shipments to 150-bln cu m/year

KYIV, Nov 22 - Ukraine seeks to ship in up to 150 billion cubic meters of natural gas through its gas transit system every year, Deputy Prime Minister Volodymyr Kistion said.

Ukraine lags behind Central, Eastern Europe in retail space per capita

KYIV, Nov 22 – There is some 34 square meters of retail space per 1,000 residents in Ukraine, while in 13 countries of the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) the figure is 200 square meters, according to a study of Colliers International consulting company.

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USD 41.21 41.26
RUR 0.444 0.446
EUR 45.96 46.20

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PFTS 507.0 507.0
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