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                        FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2024
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English court postpones decision on $3-bln Russia-Ukraine debt dispute

KYIV, Jan 29 – An English court postponed the final decision in a dispute between Russia and Ukraine over $3 billion debt issued by pro-Russian government in 2013 months before it had fled to Russia following massive street protests.

Ukraine’s Alfa-Bank, Ukrsotsbank to merge within year to form one brand

DAVOS, Jan 30 – Ukraine’s Alfa-Bank and Ukrsotsbank, owned by ABH Holdings SA, will be merged into one bank operating under the same brand, CEO of Alfa Group in Ukraine and general manager of Ukraine's Alfa-Bank Ivan Svitek said.

Uktransgaz to strike UAH13.4 billion supply deal with Naftogaz

KIEV, Jan. 30 – OJSC Ukrtransgaz plans to conclude an agreement with NJSC Naftogaz Ukrayiny to supply 1.6 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas worth UAH 13.4 billion.

Group predicts 10% increase for Ukraine organic farmland in 2017

KIEV, Jan. 27 – The area of certified farmland under organic production in Ukraine could increase by 10% in 2017, to 450,000 hectares, according to the Organic Ukraine union of organic goods producers.

Poroshenko calls on Ukrainians to increase exports of weaponry

KIEV, Jan. 27 – President Petro Poroshenko said Ukraine needs to increase its weapons exports and upgrade the production facilities of its defense enterprises.

NBU lowers 2017 payments balance surplus forecast to $1.1 billion

KIEV, Jan. 27 – The National Bank of Ukraine has lowered its forecast for the surplus of Ukraine's consolidated balance of payment for 2017 to $1.1 billion compared to the preliminary forecast of $1.2 billion issued in October 2016, while for 2018 it was improved from $3.8 billion to $4 billion.

Cabinet approves Kerch Strait passage agreement with Russia

KIEV, Jan. 30 - The Ukrainian cabinet has approved an agreement with the Russian government on joint efforts towards the construction of a passage across the Kerch Strait, acting Deputy Prime Minister Oleksandr Vilkul said.

Visegrad Group statement condemns 'cycle of violence' in Ukraine

KIEV, Jan. 30 - The Visegrad Group, an alliance of four Central European countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia) aimed at promoting European integration and cooperation, has expressed its concern about the use of force in Ukraine during mass protests.

Transparency group cites high Ukraine defense sector corruption level

KIEV, Jan. 29 - The British branch of Transparency International, in a report released on Tuesday included Ukraine in the group of countries with high levels of corruption in the defense sector.

Shell and Nadra Yuzovska to get extensive tax breaks under PSA

KIEV, Jan. 29 - Shell and Nadra Yuzovska LLC have been released from environmental taxes, fees for special water use, land payments, customs fees, rental fees for gas production, markups on the current gas tariff and fees for obligatory pension insurance for the development of Yuzovske deposit (Kharkiv and Donetsk regions).

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Currencies (in hryvnias)
  18.09.2024 prev
USD 41.41 41.36
RUR 0.454 0.454
EUR 46.12 46.01

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  17.09.2024 prev
PFTS 507.0 507.0
source: PFTS


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