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                        FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2024
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Grain and leguminous crop harvest reported at 85% of forecast

KIEV, Oct. 25 – Ukraine as of October 24 had threshed 51.4 million tons of grain and leguminous crops from 12.2 million hectares (85% of forecast).

Pechersky District Court reverses seizure of Rivneazot property

KIEV, Oct. 22 – The Kiev Pechersky District Court has withdrawn the arrest of the property of PJSC Rivneazot (part of Dmytro Firtash's Ostchem).

Presidential official to law enforcement: Stop harassing IT companies

KIEV, Oct. 23 – Deputy head of Presidential Administration Dmitry Shymkiv has called on law enforcement and fiscal agencies to stop pressuring IT companies, describing such pressure as inadmissible in the current economic and political situation in the country, he wrote in an op-ed article in Ukrainska Pravda.

Kharkiv Airlines initiates new Kiev-Goa regular flight service

KHARKIV, Oct. 22 – Kharkiv Airlines (part of DCH of Oleksandr Yaroslavsky) in cooperation with the Pegas Touristik tour operator on October 20 launched flights from Boryspil to Goa (India).

Restoration of irrigation systems would boost harvest, says official

KIEV, Oct. 23 – The restoration of irrigation systems in the south of Ukraine would increase the country's grain harvest to 80 million tons, the Deputy Agricultural Policy and Food Minister said.

Prime minister criticizes banks, promises to fight high rates

KIEV, Oct. 24 – Prime Minister Mykola Azarov has criticized the banks for their model of participation in the economy and said that the president has ordered the use of every possible mechanism to reduce interest rates on loans to enterprises to 14% per annum by the end of this year.

Ukraine studying Southeast Asian military shipbuilding cooperation

KIEV, Oct. 24 – Ukraine is studying the prospects for the development of cooperation in military shipbuilding with Southeast Asian countries, including Cambodia, Thailand and South Korea, Ukroboronprom State Concern told Interfax-Ukraine.

Ag minister accuses Russian inspectors of 'industrial espionage'

KIEV, Oct. 24 – Agricultural Policy and Food Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk said he was unhappy at the presence of representatives of Russian confectionary companies among inspectors of Rospotrebnadzor checking the confectionary factories of Roshen Corporation.

Government should move to boost domestic production, PM tells cabinet

KIEV, Oct. 24 – The government should systemically strengthen economic policy to focus on support for domestic production, as negative trends were observed in the country's economy in September, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said.

French shopping center developer to get $75 million IFC loan

KIEV, Oct. 23 – Auchan, a French developer of supermarkets and shopping centers, is planning within two months to sign a loan agreement with the International Finance Corporation to attract $75 million for the construction of hypermarkets and shopping centers.

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Currencies (in hryvnias)
  25.09.2024 prev
USD 41.37 41.36
RUR 0.444 0.445
EUR 46.04 45.99

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  24.09.2024 prev
PFTS 507.0 507.0
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