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                        THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2024
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Ukrainian coalmine launches power plant to reduce methane emissions

KIEV, May 30 - Ukraine??™s largest coalmine, Zasyadko, on Tuesday put in operation the first power unit at co-generation plant that will burn methane, a potent greenhouse gas, or GHG, to produce power and heat.

Ukraine must approve new bill for privatization to start in Q2: SPF

KYIV, March 29 – The State Property Fund (SPF) of Ukraine is awaiting the adoption of draft law No. 8250 on optimizing the Fund's structure, which contains a condition for unblocking large-scale privatization in order to resume it in the second or third quarter of this year, head of the SPF Rustem Umerov said.

Ukraine’s construction market shrinks 65% on year in 2022 due to war

KYIV, March 29 – The market for metal structures for construction purposes in Ukraine decreased by 55-65% in 2022, after growing by 5% in 2021, to 155,000 tons, the Ukrainian Steel Construction Center Association (USCC) reported.

Ukraine’s total state debt drops 0.5% on month to $116.01-bln in February

KYIV, March 29 – The total state debt of Ukraine in February declined by 0.5%: in U.S. dollars by $0.59 billion to $116.01 billion, in hryvnias by UAH 21.62 billion to UAH 4.24 trillion, according to data on the website of the Ministry of Finance.

DTEK Zakhidenergo buys out capacity for power exports to Poland

KYIV, March 29 – DTEK Zakhidenergo LLC bought out the entire interstate transmission capacity offered by NPC Ukrenergo for the export of electricity to Poland on March 31, according to data on the website of the system operator.

Ukrainian Eurobond prices up 14.4% amid peace talks reports

KYIV, March 29 – Eurobonds of Ukraine on Tuesday rose by an average of 14.4% on news of the results of negotiations between Kyiv and Moscow in Istanbul: if securities maturing in 2023 and 2024 grew in price by 10.6% to 12.5%, then growth prices of shorter and longer ones reached 17.2% and 16.6%, respectively.

Kyiv apartment rent drops 10% in January, real estate group reports

KYIV, March 29 – The average rental price for apartments in Kyiv was $10 per square meter, which is $1 less than in January of this year, Director of City Development Solutions Roman Herasymchuk reported.

Ukrtransnafta boosts profits 15% on year to UAH 896.4-mln in 2020

KYIV, March 29 – Ukrtransnafta increased its net profit by 15% (by UAH 117.237 million) compared to 2019, to UAH 896.44 million in 2020, according to the audited consolidated statements published on the company's website.

Electrotyazhmash to supply $50-mln in power equipment to Iraq

KYIV, March 26 – The state-owned enterprise Electrotyazhmash plant (Kharkiv) expects to receive an order for the supply of equipment for the modernization of power plants in Iraq in the amount of more than $50 million under the program of renovation of power plants in this country, funded by the United States of America (U.S.).

Blinken: Completing Nord Stream 2 ultimately up to builders

WASHINGTON, March 30 - U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in an interview broadcast on Sunday that it was ultimately up to those building the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline whether to complete it despite opposition from Washington, Reuters reported.

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Currencies (in hryvnias)
  18.09.2024 prev
USD 41.41 41.36
RUR 0.454 0.454
EUR 46.12 46.01

Stock Market
  17.09.2024 prev
PFTS 507.0 507.0
source: PFTS


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