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                        WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2024
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Ukraine GDP rose slightly in first quarter, according to NBU report

KIEV, April 26 – A slight rise in GDP in annual terms is expected in Ukraine for Q1, according to a report from the National Bank of Ukraine.

"A further recovery of economic activity, in particular, a slight increase in GDP in annual terms will be observed in the first quarter of 2016 as expected," reads the document, the text of which has been posted on the National Bank's website.

DTEK denies charges of organizing demonstrations by coal miners

KIEV, April 23 – DTEK believes the accusation that it organized protests by miners employed by the company is a desire to shift responsibility for the serious crisis in the energy sector to the company and an attempt by officials to avoid responsibility for their thoughtless policy towards coalmines and energy companies.

Prosecutor investigating MP involvement in 'Boyko rigs' case

KIEV, April 24 – The Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) is conducting a pretrial investigation into the so-called "Boyko's rigs" case, and into the case of Ukrgazvydobuvannia, the defendants in which are lawmakers, MP Andriy Levus (People's Front) said.

He, along with other MPs, met with First Deputy Prosecutor General Volodymyr Huzyr on Thursday.

Rosatom awaiting Kiev response on nuclear fuel plant project

MINSK, April 24 - The equipment for a nuclear fuel plant in Ukraine is ready and Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom is waiting for an official response from Kiev on the fate of the project, Rusatom International Network president and Rosatom Eastern Europe head Alexander Merten said on the sidelines of the Atomexpo-Belarus 2015 forum.

Ukrainian bank losses up more than eightfold in Q1, NBU reports

KIEV, April 24 – The losses of operating Ukrainian banks grew more than eightfold year-over-year in Q1, to UAH 16.2 billion, the National Bank of Ukraine reported.

Article accuses Ukraine's richest man of fomenting coal miner unrest

KIEV, April 24 – Ukraine’s richest man may have been plotting to incite unrest through coal miner protests to ensure the government stops economic reforms that may hurt his business, a Ukrainian lawmaker said Friday.

Hosting of Euro 2012 a test for Ukraine, says NSDC secretary

KIEV, April 25 – The holding of the Euro 2012 European Football Championship in Ukraine is a test for the country regarding its compliance with European standards of hospitality, organization, development of infrastructure and the provision of a safe and comfortable environment for participants and fans, National Security and Defense Council Secretary Andriy Kliuyev said.

Nuclear power development needed for economic recovery, says PM

KIEV, April 26 – Ukraine should develop its nuclear power industry to help it overcome its economic crisis, as it has no other alternatives, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said.

Gazprom won’t participate in Yuzovska and Oleske tenders, source says

MOSCOW, April 26 - Gazprom has analyzed the possibility of bidding in tenders to produce natural gas from unconventional sources at the Yuzovska and Oleske fields in Ukraine and decided that this would be unwise because the projects are not economically viable, a source close to the Russian gas giant's board of directors told Interfax, citing a report presented to the board on Wednesday.

Ukraine won’t bow to IMF gas price hike demand, says prime minister

KIEV, April 26 - Ukraine does not intend to fulfill the International Monetary Fund demand it raise the gas price for the population, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov told journalists in Kiev on Thursday.

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Currencies (in hryvnias)
  24.09.2024 prev
USD 41.36 41.35
RUR 0.445 0.446
EUR 45.99 46.15

Stock Market
  23.09.2024 prev
PFTS 507.0 507.0
source: PFTS


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