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                        WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2024
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Government decides on sites for three coal-to gas conversion plants

KIEV, Sept. 26 - Ukraine has decided on sites for building three coal-to-gas conversion plants and their construction is expected to begin early next year, Energy and Coal Industry Minister Yuriy Boyko said Wednesday.

Ukraine, Russia, Australia lead rise in world wheat production

LONDON, Sept. 26 – The International Grains Council (IGC) has reported in its September report that following upward revisions for Russia, Ukraine and Australia, world wheat production in 2011/12 is forecast 2 million tons higher than last month, at a near record 679 million, which is 28 million higher than last year production (651 million).

Current round of EU free-trade talks expected to conclude next month

BRUSSELS, Sept. 26 – The 18th round of talks on the creation of a free trade area between Ukraine and the EU, which began in Brussels on September 19, will last until mid-October, said Valeriy Piatnytsky, the head of the Ukrainian delegation.

Ukraine to sign free-trade deal with CIS next month, says 1st DPM

KIEV, Sept. 26 – Ukraine hopes to sign an agreement on a free trade area between the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in October, Ukrainian First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Trade Andriy Kliuyev said.

NERC approves feed-in tariffs for Crimean solar power projects

KIEV, Sept. 23 – The National Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) has approved feed-in tariffs for solar power to be generated by Crimean Solar 1 Ltd. and Crimean Solar 2 Ltd. (both in Crimea's Simferopol district).

EnergoAtom and Russia’s OMZ sign nuclear power memo of cooperation

KIEV, Sept. 23 - Ukraine's state nuclear enterprise EnergoAtom and Russia's United Heavy Machinery (OMZ) have signed a memorandum of cooperation in the field of nuclear power during the course of the international forum Fuel and Energy Complex of Ukraine: The Present and Future on Thursday, an Interfax correspondent reports.

Government proposes excise tax on gasoline with high sulfur content

KIEV, Sept. 23 – The government has proposed an excise duty on gasoline with a sulfur content of 0.013 gram per liter (corresponds to the Euro-2 and Euro-3 standards) and less (Euro-4 and Euro-5) be increased by 37.9%, from EUR132 per ton to EUR182 per ton.

Naftogaz Ukrayiny goes to Supreme Court to stave off RUE gas return

KIEV, Sept. 24 - Naftogaz Ukrayiny has filed a cessation to the Supreme Court of Ukraine against a decision of Kiev Shevchenkivsky District Court confirming a decision of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, which obliges Naftogaz to return 11 billion cubic meters of gas (bcm) to RosUkrEnergo and pay a fine of 1.1 bcm of gas in commodity terms, the court's press service has reported.

Commodity foreign trade deficit projected to rise 20-23% this year

KIEV, Sept. 25 – The deficit of Ukraine’s foreign trade in commodities in 2007 may rise by 20-23% over 2006, to $8-8.2 billion, whereas in 2008 the deficit of foreign trade in commodities and services is expected to fall to $3.7-3.8 billion, said Economy Minister Anatoliy Kinakh.

Government may slap quota on grain exports through March 31

KIEV, Sept. 24 - The Ukrainian government could introduce an export quota on grains totaling 1.2 million tons for the period until March 31, 2008, Economy Minister Anatoliy Kinakh told journalists on Monday.

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Currencies (in hryvnias)
  24.09.2024 prev
USD 41.36 41.35
RUR 0.445 0.446
EUR 45.99 46.15

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  23.09.2024 prev
PFTS 507.0 507.0
source: PFTS


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