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                        TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2024
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Ukraine holds first stage of tender to appraise natgas system

KIEV, Feb. 27 – Ukraine on Monday held the first stage of a tender to appraise the country's natural gas transportation system that moves bulk of Russian gas to markets in Europe, Naftogaz announced Monday.

EBRD lauds Rada move to incorporate Ukraine public railway transport

KIEV, Feb. 24 – The adoption by Parliament of laws on the creation of a public joint-stock company for public railway transport is an important step in reforming the railway industry, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development said.

Ukrainian cheese ban may be expanded, says Russian official

MOSCOW, Feb. 24 - Russian consumer rights watchdog Rospotrebnadzor said the list of Ukrainian companies whose cheese will not be allowed into Russia could be expanded.

"By all accounts, the list of cheese suppliers to the Russian market will be expanded," Rospotrebnadzor chief Gennady Onishchenko told Interfax on Friday.

Nadra Ukrayiny and Lukoil Overseas sign memorandum of cooperation

KIEV, Feb. 24 – Nadra Ukrayiny and Lukoil Overseas (operator of Lukoil's international upstream projects) have signed a memorandum of cooperation, the state-owned Ukrainian company announced.

Ukrtransnafta selects Eximnaftoproduct to handle fuel oil in 2012

KIEV, Feb. 27 – Ukrtransnafta, a monopolist in oil transportation in Ukraine, has selected Eximnaftoproduct to handle fuel oil in 2012, reads a company report on the state procurement Web site.

NERC forecasts 4% increase in wholesale electricity price on March 1

KIEV, Feb. 27 - The forecast price of electricity on the wholesale electricity market of Ukraine will grow by 4% on March 1, from UAH 645.13 to UAH 670.94 per megawatt hour (value added tax not included), the National Commission for Energy Regulation announced.

NBU governor discloses 2009 investments

KIEV, Feb. 25 – Serhiy Arbuzov, the governor of the National Bank of Ukraine, in his first interview after the appointment two months ago, suggested he earned 150 million hrynias in 2009 from investing in Treasury bills and “other instruments.”

Russia’s MTS to take part in tender for 67.79% of Ukrtelecom

KIEV, Feb. 26 – Russia's Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) group is likely to take part in a tender for the privatization of 67.79% of the shares of Ukrtelecom, Andrei Dubovskov, the acting general director of Ukrainian Mobile Communications (MTS UKR), told journalists.

Kharkiv Roller Bearing Plant buying EUR4 million robot from Japan

KIEV, Feb. 26 - Kharkiv Roller Bearing Plant, one of the largest roller bearing producers in the CIS and part of the UPEK Group, is to buy a robotic turning complex worth EUR4 million from Japan's Muratec, according to a UPEK announcement.

Industry ministry drafts proposal for creation of state titanium co

KIEV, Feb. 27 – The Industry Ministry has drawn up and submitted to the cabinet a draft resolution on the creation of a state vertically integrated holding in titanium production, Deputy Industry Minister Serhiy Hryschenko said on Tuesday.

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USD 41.35 41.44
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